Muggers Targeted A 77-Year-Old Granny And Regretted It Immediately

Mel Johnson

When 3 would-be muggers targeted a 77-year-old granny, they assumed she'd be an easy target. They couldn't have been more wrong.

All too often people underestimate the elderly. But here's why you should never judge a book by its cover. (Come to think of it, such sage advice was most likely passed down by grandma!)

Muggers Targeted A 77-Year-Old Granny

British grandmother Winifred Peel was out and about when she stopped by the ATM for some cash. That's when 3 teenaged hooligans -- Piper Dumitru, Florin Geblescu, and Felix Stoica -- spotted her.

The three robbers thought they'd found an easy target. They came up behind Winifred, attempting to shove her out of the way after she logged in to the ATM with her bank card. But 77-year-old Winifred is no pushover. The granny-of-four who has a bit of a stubborn streak goes to the gym several times a week.

"I would never hand anything over without a fight. My three brothers have ribbed me about it," she says. "We used to fight all the time when we were growing up so I suppose I‘d learned to look after myself."

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So, when she sensed the robbers behind her, Winifred's first instinct was to fight back. She grabbed 19-year-old Felix by the collar and bashed his head into the ATM several times.

Surprising Turn Of Events

This is probably the last thing the trio expected when the muggers targeted a 77-year-old granny! But Winifred wasn't ready to hand over her cash without a fight.

"I just thought, 'You’re not having my money, young man'," she explained.

The thieves did wind up getting away with Winifred's money, but not for long. The bank refunded Winifred's money right away and even sent her flowers. Meanwhile, the CCTV footage of the muggers circulated and all three were arrested and put in jail.

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"I’m pleased they’ve been locked up, or otherwise they would be looking for more people to rob who maybe wouldn’t have been able to look after themselves like I was," the tough granny said.

Moral of the story: Don't mess with Granny!

h/t: Liftable

Feature Image Credit: Kelvin Media/BPM

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