A Mother's Letter To The Doctor Who Told Her To Abort Her Baby

Mel Johnson

For expectant mom Courtney, the ultrasound images of her baby girl, Emmy, reflected a precious and valuable life. Sadly, her prenatal doctor didn't share the same opinion once the doctor diagnosed Courtney's unborn baby with Down Syndrome. It took Courtney some time to work up the courage to write the doctor, telling him just how wrong he had been. And now, this mother's letter and its powerful message is going viral!

[caption id="attachment_28465" width="750"] Credit: Facebook / Parker Myles[/caption]

A Doctor's Push

As soon as little Emmy's Down Syndrome diagnosis was uncovered, Courtney's doctor more than suggested abortion -- he pushed for it. Even after Courtney declined, the doctor insisted the quality of life for Courtney and for her unborn baby would be horrible -- not once, but repeatedly.

Thankfully, Courtney saw Emmy's life for exactly what it was -- a beautiful blessing from God. But from that day forward, she carried with her a deep sorrow that her prenatal doctor was never able to see this.

So, she wrote him a letter, and, with the help of her little angel (now 15 months old), Courtney and Emmy dropped the heartfelt note in the mail. Courtney then shared it on the Parker Myles Facebook page, where it swept social media!

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The mother's letter read:

"Dear Doctor,

A friend recently told me of when her prenatal specialist would see her child during her sonograms, he would comment, 'He’s perfect.' Once her son was born with Down syndrome, she visited that same doctor. He looked at her little boy and said, 'I told you. He’s perfect.'

Her story tore me apart. While I was so grateful for my friend’s experience, it filled me with such sorrow because of what I should have had. I wish you would have been that doctor.

RELATED: A mother's letter to the son she was never supposed to have

I came to you during the most difficult time in my life. I was terrified, anxious and in complete despair. I didn’t know the truth yet about my baby, and that’s what I desperately needed from you. But instead of support and encouragement, you suggested we terminate our child. I told you her name, and you asked us again if we understood how low our quality of life would be with a child with Down syndrome. You suggested we reconsider our decision to continue the pregnancy.

From that first visit, we dreaded our appointments. The most difficult time in my life was made nearly unbearable because you never told me the truth.

My child was perfect.

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I’m not angry. I’m not bitter. I’m really just sad. I’m sad the tiny beating hearts you see every day don’t fill you with a perpetual awe. I’m sad the intricate details and the miracle of those sweet little fingers and toes, lungs and eyes and ears don’t always give you pause. I’m sad you were so very wrong to say a baby with Down syndrome would decrease our quality of life. And I’m heartbroken you might have said that to a mommy even today. But I’m mostly sad you’ll never have the privilege of knowing my daughter, Emersyn.

Because, you see, Emersyn has not only added to our quality of life, she’s touched the hearts of thousands. She’s given us a purpose and a joy that is impossible to express. She’s given us bigger smiles, more laughter and sweeter kisses than we’ve ever known. She’s opened our eyes to true beauty and pure love.

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So my prayer is that no other mommy will have to go through what I did. My prayer is that you, too, will now see true beauty and pure love with every sonogram. And my prayer is when you see that next baby with Down syndrome lovingly tucked in her mother’s womb, you will look at that mommy and see me then tell her the truth: 'Your child is absolutely perfect.'"

This Mother's Letter Goes Viral

For Courtney, everything about the process -- from writing the note to mailing it and then sharing it -- has been cathartic. That alone makes the mother's letter it worth it. And while the effort has brought her closure, Courtney is hopeful it will do even more once it reaches the doctor.

“I hope he sees Emmy. I hope he sees my words on paper,” she said. “Emmy is proof that children with special needs are worthy and can change the world. She’s doing it right now.”

RELATED: A father writes a letter to his daughter with Down Syndrome

Courtney's powerful message is certainly making a big impression on all those reading it online. And we certainly join in Courtney's hopes that God will use the mother's letter to speak to the doctor's heart.

“I have no idea how the doctor might have reacted to my letter," she said. "But I do have faith that God can work any miracle and he can change any heart.”

Please keep spreading the important message of the sanctity of life by sharing this story!

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: A Mom’s Heartfelt Letter To Her Baby’s Surgeon

h/t: ABC News

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