Mother Goose Leads Police Officers To Her Trapped Baby In Need

Mel Johnson

A Mother Goose Turns To The Police For Help

Officer James Givens of the Cincinnati Police Department was initially amused when a mother goose wandered over to his patrol car and started pecking on the side. He figured she just wanted food. But the pecking continued, and as it turns out, the officer was in for quite the surprise! [rsnippet id="2"] [caption id="attachment_27602" width="576"] Credit: Youtube[/caption] Officer Givens grew curious when the persistent goose ignored the food he tossed out the window. Instead, the bird walked away just a bit, then stopped, looked back, and returned to the cop car for some more pecking and squawking. After doing so for a second time, Officer Givens finally took the bait and got out of his car to follow the goose. But he wasn't prepared for what he was about to find!
"She led me about 100 yards away to this grassy area near a creek. That's when I saw one of her babies all tangled up in some string from a balloon. His little feet were kicking," the officer explained. "She led me straight to him."
RELATED: What a man finds stranded in the middle of a herd of cows is a complete surprise  Officer Givens thought the mother goose might attack him if he tried to touch her baby, so he radioed the SPCA for help. The rescue group didn't have any staff readily available to assist, but fellow policewoman, Officer Cecilia Charron, heard the call come through and decided she'd lend a hand. [caption id="attachment_27604" width="353"] Credit: Youtube[/caption] When Officer Charron arrived, she went straight to work on carefully freeing the little one.
"The mother goose just watched, like she knew. It was amazing," Officer Givens recalls.
Once freed, the gosling ran to its mama, and they safely swam away.

You can watch the heartwarming rescue in the video below:

It was an incredible moment for the shocked officers, and Officer Charon even teared up a bit -- saying it was one of the highlights of her 24 years on the force.
"It seems like something made up. It was just incredible," Officer Givens said. "I honestly don't know why I decided to follow her, but I did. It makes me wonder — do they know to turn to humans when they need help?" 
Bless these cops for coming to the rescue!

Don't miss out on this police officer's newest (and incredibly adorable) partner!

h/t: The Dodo

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