What She Writes About Vacuum Lines Is Something All Moms Should Hear

Mel Johnson

Vacuum Lines Inspire This Powerful Reminder

When Diane Dekker Redlegs, 51, looked down at the carpet inside her home, she was greeted with the sight of beautifully straight vacuum lines. She could still recall the day many years ago she'd admired the unsullied vacuum lines that complimented the immaculate decor inside the picture perfect house belonging to her husband's aunt. She finally had a neat and tidy home, complete with her own pristine vacuum lines. So then, why was she so sad? [rsnippet id="2"] Diane explains the eye-opening reason in a post on her Facebook page. While some of her language may be a little colorful, her message is one all mothers should hear! Diane writes on Facebook:

Vacuum lines

(pay attention young mother's, you may want to read this 😉).

19 years ago, Scott, all 5 kids and I took a trip to Omaha. Kenny was 10, Todd was 8, Kevin 5, Ryan 2, and Lisa was 6 months old.

Credit: Facebook / Diane Dekker Redlegs

We took a day and went over to visit Scott's Aunt and Uncle who lived in Omaha, in their beautiful new home. When we pulled up, the exterior said to me, "this is what dreams are made of". As his Aunt gave us a tour of their home, I just remember thinking how amazing it would be to have such a beautiful home, full of rooms and bathrooms and a huge kitchen that screamed to be full of family and fun, but what stuck out the most in my mind and sparked a completely different envy than just the size of the house, was the vacuum lines that remained in the carpet in the formal dining room.

Credit: Facebook / Diane Dekker Redlegs

As we strolled into the dining room, I remember thinking to myself, "oh my gosh! Her vacuum lines are still in her carpet probably a week or more after she vacuumed!! What I wouldn't give to clean my house and have it stay magazine perfect for more than 5 minutes!!"

I couldn't wait for the day that I would be able to do that and not have it messed up by sticky little finger prints on the perfectly waxed dining table, or Legos hiding under the table, or walking in to discover Ryan's latest art creation had so carefully been designed on the wall with crayons.

Here's what I didn't know at that time, (and somewhere my mind couldn't even go), that to have all of this picture perfect cleanliness, the kids would have to be gone. You see, I wanted those things because the everyday struggles of 5 loads of laundry, toys everywhere, mouths to feed, meals to prepare, beds to make were overwhelming to me, and the beauty of a pristine home was something only dreams were made of. Hell it took me 20 minutes in each room just to find the floor before I could vacuum it. I never grasped (no matter how bad I wanted vacuum lines to stay in my carpet) that my kids would one day grow up and leave. That thought doesn't exist in a young mothers mind, it's just the things that old ladies talked about, and the endless reminders they tried to give me that "it all goes by so fast".

RELATED: Mom decides to stop worrying about her messy kitchen

Then one day I woke up, went to clean my house, carefully placed vacuum lines in my carpet, looked at my beautiful dinning table with a perfect wax coating and zero finger prints and realized it would stay that way for days.....and that's when I realized that vacuum lines are lonely. That Legos and dirty clothes and mouths to feed and backpacks to get ready are sometimes very overwhelming, but they're never, ever lonely and that what the old ladies had been telling me was true! That the Legos slowly disappeared without me ever noticing. They were replaced by video games, and then football gear and then by empty bedrooms waiting for a visit home from college or life. That the loads of laundry gradually got smaller, the dirty dishes were less and the endless treasures of Pokemon cards, or rock collections all disappeared. Everything sits magazine ready in my home now and I appreciate and love this time of my life, I only wish I had known the cost of vacuum lines, because then I surely wouldn't have wanted this day to come as fast as it did.

Diane's children grown up Credit: Facebook / Diane Dekker Redlegs

Happy Mother's Day to mothers everywhere. To the mothers with vacuum lines who miss their children everyday, and to the young mothers who struggle through the mountains of laundry and responsibility. Cherish your children, their messes and stresses and the hell they put you through as teenagers, and trust me, vacuum lines are overrated.

It's all too true that you sometimes don't know what you've got until it's gone. Take the time to revel in the blessings that you do have, and hug your loved ones often!
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, 'I will never leave you, nor forsake you.'" Hebrews 13:5  

She resented her mother-in-law for spoiling the grandkids until THIS happened!

Credit: Diane Dekker Redlegs

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