
She Looked Down At Her Belly And Saw Scars. And She NEVER Wants Them To Go Away!

October 24, 2024

She Looked Down At Her Belly And Saw Scars. And She NEVER Wants Them To Go Away!

By HIS scars, we get new life.

Pregnant woman GLOW. They do...and it's just beautiful. When I was pregnant with my first one, I don't think I glowed (although I was told I did) - I just felt 'big.' When I found this woman's perspective on her pregnant belly and how the body changes afterwards, I just had to pass it along. Regardless of how 'big' I felt, the miracle of birth and babies being knit in our wombs is truly remarkable!

As we approach the Easter Season, I was especially touched by this mom's revelation. Here's are her thoughts...I hope you can connect with them as much as I did!

By these scars, we get new life.

Before I had children, I thought pregnant women were adorable. Their faces glowed; their bellies rounded out trendy maternity wear. I dreamed of one day donning a baby belly, as if it were the latest accessory.

Naturally petite, my weight never fluctuated much as an adult. I prided myself on my positive body image, but pregnancy revealed that self-esteem can be easily stripped away. As soon as my weight began to rise, my confidence plummeted.

My body has since expanded and contracted twice to make room for two little boys. Each time, I reveled in the miracle of a tiny life growing inside me, in awe of the delicate flutters that grew into kicks and rolls. But each pregnancy also tested my notions of beauty and of the body. In a culture where thin reigns supreme, where “skinny pregnancy” is an aspiration, and where Hollywood touts actresses’ impressive post-baby bodies, it’s easy for women to see their weight gain and belly fat as problems, even during pregnancy.

When I became pregnant the first time, I grieved the changes that my body endured. My body will forever bear the marks and scars of bringing life into the world. But I have come to realize that those scars place me in good company.

This week, Christians all over the world celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. On Good Friday, we mourn his crucifixion. On Easter Sunday, we rejoice at his victory over the grave. Yet we don’t yet celebrate Jesus’ complete physical restoration. Even after he rose from the dead, Jesus bore the wounds of his execution, openly showing them to his disciples. Read John 20 for the full story of Jesus' resurrection and appearing before His disciples. 

Jesus' body will forever bear the marks of His crucifixion reminding us of the sacrifice He made for our sins to be forgiven. AND it's by His scars we get new life.

Please be clear, in no way am I comparing MY stretch marks to the sacrifice Jesus made for me...but they are bodily reminders. I don't think I ever want them to go away. My mommy scars are there because I chose life and God blessed me and my family with 4 miracles. By my scars, God gave me new life.

I'm reminded of two scriptures...one in Hebrews and the other in Isaiah.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

For another story for Easter, click here! 


Featured Image Credit: Getty Images


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