Meredith Andrews’ 10 Best Worship Songs

Andrea Stunz

With the upcoming release of Meredith Andrews’ new album, Deeper, I’m sharing with you 10 of her best worship songs. These worship songs will keep you in good company until the album’s release on February 19th. (Note that the album is currently available for pre-order.) Meredith Andrew’s powerful and polished voice pair well with her scripture-filled and inspiring lyrics.

Whether in your living room alone or with a community of Believers, allow these songs to bring you near to the One who is worthy of worship. Lean your heart in close and worship our Creator, Defender, Protector, Healer and Redeemer.

Open Up The Heavens

Glorify God for your very existence and ask Him to open up the heavens. Andrew’s powerhouse vocals with the energetic music will inspire you to raise your arms high in search of His glory and power. Lift your heart toward the heavens and let His love flood your heart today.

Strong God

“Raise your hands and shout out. Awesome is our strong God. Mighty is our God.” Psalm 24:8 says, “Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.“ Our willingness to worship when we are weak affords us a priceless connection to the heart of God. It’s in our weakness that his strength prevails. We can and should always lean into his strength.


This encouraging song will take us straight to the throne of God. Soar is already available with the pre-order of Meredith Andrew’s new album. We can claim the promises of God as we wait for Him in any situation we are faced with. He promises to take care for us. He will carry us so we can soar under the protective covering of His wings.

Not For A Moment (After All) 

At the heart of it, no one ever wants to be alone. Not really. We may want our physical space at times or need a break but in general, being alone is not what we were created for. All too often, people around us leave. It’s a breaking of the heart like no other. But our God never leaves. Never. He promises to never forsake us. Not even for a moment. (Deuteronomy 31:6) After all, He is the ultimate promise keeper. Worship the One who never leaves you today.

Worth It All 

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 … “I know that’s what I want my life to be about. It’s easy to lose focus on the things we can’t see. When we finally see Jesus face to face we’ll be able to look back over our lives and say it’s been worth it all.” ~Meredith Andrews

Jesus never said following Him would be easy, in fact He promised exactly the opposite (John 16:33), but He also promised that it would be worth it. Worship the One who is worth it all.

I Look To The King

Do you find yourself on the battlefield today? These days, it seems I find myself there more and more. The enemy is fighting relentlessly to take what is not his. This song reminds us of the Hope we have available to us. Look up to the One who is fighting for you. Where does your help come from? You need only to look to the King.


Deep calls to deep. God calls us out of the shallow water and into the deep with Him. In this song, Andrews encourages us to answer the call. Its melodious lyrics and purposeful song structure provides a clear path to worship. Is it time for you to go deeper?

Behold The Savior

God created us for the very purpose of worshipping Him. We spoiled the gift of being in perfect communion with Him so He sent us Jesus. Through Jesus we can come before His throne once again, clean and ready for worship. Behold the Savior, God in flesh born of a virgin, the baby King. Lifted high on His cross for our sins so we can lift Him up high in worship.

How Great Is The Love

Showing gratitude towards God is one of the most meaningful forms of worship. As Believers, we have so much to be thankful for but ultimately it is His love that affords us our very life. His love created us. Without His great love, w would not be. Listen to this song of worship with a heart postured in gratitude. “Lord with a grateful hearts we sing. How great is the love of our Savior.”

Who Is Like You

Our God is unique. There is no other like Him. No not one. When we fully grasp how great and mighty our God is, our hearts will be utterly compelled to fall at His feet in humble worship. “No one is like you, LORD; you are great, and your name is mighty in power.” Jeremiah 10:6

The scriptures show us many forms of worship - prayer, obedience, tithing, service, just to name a few. While we know that music is not the only way we can worship our Father, it is a common resource that connects our hearts to His. With music or without music, anywhere we find ourselves in this life, worshipping Him is what we were made to do. In all that we know about God and in all that remains a mystery, one thing we know to be true - He is worthy of our worship.

Article by Andrea Stunz

I’m a born-and-raised Texan who enjoys any adventure that requires a passport. As a Christ-following pilgrim, I’m a lover of stories and a connoisseur of sunrises and coffee - best when served together. I listen to a wide range of musicians with Andrew Peterson, Jimmy Needham and Bethel Music being just a few of my favorites. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me in the kitchen or spending time with those I love.

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