Marie Osmond's 'Daughter' Brynna Diagnosed with 25 Brain Tumors, Star Asks for Prayers

Aaron D'Anthony Brown

Celebrity singer and actress Marie Osmond has found herself with heart-wrenching news. Marie’ Osmonds ‘daughter’ Brynna was diagnosed with 25 brain tumors, and the star is now asking for prayers.

“Brynna is my best friend Darla’s daughter-in-law and is like another daughter to me," Marie Osmond shared on social media. "I have watched her from the time she started to date her husband, to the accomplished woman and mother she is today. Her husband, Austin, is a son to me and my attorney, and their three children are like my own grandchildren … she is FAMILY. And, she is very ill.”

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Marie knows the power of prayer and is asking for prayers for her loved one.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 (ESV) 

In times of sorrow sometimes we forget there is power in prayer. Sometimes we think hardship has taken us so far from God that there is no way he hears us. Does He care? Of course He does. Believers like Marie Osmond have learned to lean into prayer during life’s most challenging moments. 

Marie shared her story with her followers and the world through Instagram, alongside a video.

Marie Osmond Asks For Prayers For 'Daughter' Brynna

Continued Updates Provide Hope

“Each day we have a choice on how to live our lives. We can choose to simply go through the motions of life, checking boxes from tooth-brushing to taxes—24 hours, followed by 24 hours, followed by another 24 hours. Or, we can be present in the life we have been given, feeling deeply as we see all colors, hear all music, and feel all the love God has placed around us. No one is more present in life than my sweet Brynna,” Marie shared.

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Online Marie Osmond shared that "daughter" Brynna was given three months to live. The news shook all of their lives, but somehow they found hope. After some time deliberating, Brynna and her husband decided that she should go through with a risky biopsy procedure. The procedure would help with the brain tumors amassing near her brainstem, but could also lead to health complications later. Wanting to continue life for her husband and children, Brynna saw the biopsy as her best choice.

Following the procedure, Marie regarded the doctors’ work as “an absolute miracle.”

Faith Through The Struggle

Three days after the biopsy, Brynna was able to leave the hospital.

“I’ve watched and wondered in utter amazement how she’s found the strength and will to push through these past few years and now these horrific treatments? Her response to me was, ‘My faith.'” Marie shared.

Marie’s ‘daughter’ Brynna continues to recuperate from the procedure, surrounded by the care and love from her family, and Marie. She is also comforted by her faith in God, which has thus far has taken her through a successful procedure and now into a period of hopeful recovery.

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Prayer works, and even when life looks grim, God can offer his own surprise. When He does, how will you respond?

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h/t: Closer Weekly

Featured Image: Instagram/Marie Osmond

Aaron D'Anthony Brown is a freelance writer, hip-hop dance teacher, and visual artist, living in Virginia. He currently contributes to Salem Web Network’s Crosswalk platform and supports various clients through the freelancing website Upwork. He's an outside-the-box thinker with a penchant for challenging the status quo. 

Get in touch with him at and check out his debut short story anthology Honey Dreams on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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