Pastor Shares 'Crazy Story' Of How His Lost Bible Was Found By Someone Who Needed Saving

Adam Staten

One man’s Bible, lost more than a decade ago, ended up having a profound impact on another person's life. 

As the saying goes, God works in mysterious ways, which can often befuddle, bewilder and amaze. His wonderful and perfect plans are leaps and bounds better than anything we could have imagined. 

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Isaiah 55:8-9 reads, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God’s ways were on display in the story behind the discovery of a Bible lost more than 10 years ago.

About 15 years ago, Paul Daugherty, now the pastor of Victory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, lost his personal Bible. In the Bible, Paul would scribble notes and thoughts about passages and verses, according to Paul’s social post. 

“It’s like losing a journal. It’s like losing something that you had sensitive thoughts and moments in your life that you opened up and you wrote about," Paul told 2 News Oklahoma. 

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However, that Bible, which had “P. Daugherty” emblazoned on the front cover, was recovered by Clayton at a Tulsa shelter. That discovery of Paul’s Bible and all of Paul’s ended up changing Clayton’s life.

The Lost Bible Led One Man To Give His Life To Christ

Paul’s Facebook post states that the Bible and Paul’s notes became treasured items to Clayton. Clayton would pick up that Bible and occasionally read God’s Word “until finally he surrendered his life to Christ” and “broke free of a lot of stuff,” the post adds.

After Clayton found the Bible, He began attending Victory Church. He would listen to Paul preach the Word of God. At one point, Clayton showed Paul the worn and scribbled in Bible.  

“At first, I was like, 'No way, this is not my Bible' because I hadn’t seen it in so long,” Paul said. “Then I recognized the handwriting, and I was like, ‘That’s definitely my handwriting."’

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Paul also added how much that specific Bible came to mean to Clayton. He mentioned how Lord used that once-lost Bible to lead him to giving His life to Christ.

“He (Clayton) said, ‘I have read this off and on.’ He’s like, ‘I’ve kind of been on this journey of trying to find God, trying to live a better life’ and he said, ‘I just got saved and he’s like, ‘This Bible has meant so much to me,"’ Paul said.

What an amazing story about the beautiful and powerful works of God. He can use seemingly small things like a lost Bible to bring someone to Him and completely change their life! 

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”Jeremiah 29:11

WATCH: Pastor Shares How Lost Bible Changed Man's Life


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h/t: Facebook & 2 News Oklahoma 

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/2 News Oklahoma

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