All four of these best friends now live on the same street, and it’s amazing. There’s something about friendship that roots deep, like an old oak standing steady in the storms. It’s the kind of gift that doesn’t fade with time but only grows stronger, stretching out its branches, and offering shade and shelter when life feels too much. And when God weaves those friendships so tightly that you don’t just share stories but sidewalks and morning coffee, you know it’s something sacred.
When she and her family settled into their home, Sarabeth never imagined that she was planting the first seed of something extraordinary. But ten years ago, Kelly found a house just around the corner—close enough to knock on the door when life got hard but far enough to honor space and rest. And then, three years ago, Erinn stood in Sarabeth’s kitchen, laughing about how wild it would be to live right across the street. And just one year later, Kristi made it official. One door down, one step closer to a life where friendship wasn’t just a phone call away but a few steps across the lawn.
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Four women. Seventeen years of friendship. Now living side by side, their own little village, built not by accident but by the providence of a God who knew they’d need each other.
Because life is full of highs and lows, and sometimes, you just need someone who knows exactly how you like your coffee before you even say a word. Someone who will sit on your porch when the weight of the world is too much. Someone who will pick up your kid when you're running late, show up with soup when you're sick, or drag you out for a walk when you've been stuck in your own head too long.
“It’s a true blessing for me,” Kristi says. “It feels like these girls are my sisters.”
Their bond isn’t just about convenience—it’s about intention. It’s about knowing that friendship, real friendship, is a kind of love that reflects the heart of God. It’s knowing when to show up and when to give space. It’s growing together but still standing strong as individuals.
This isn’t just about moving to the same street for Sarabeth, Kelly, Erinn, and Kristi. It’s about the kind of friendship that moves mountains, the kind that reminds them that even in the busyness, even in the ordinary, God is always at work—knitting hearts together, planting roots deep, and letting love flourish in everyday moments.
Because sometimes, the greatest blessings aren’t found in big, loud miracles. Sometimes, they’re found in the friend who lives just next door.
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“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
Housefires - Another Like You from Housefires on GodTube.
h/t: Good News Network
Featured Image Credit: Getty Images/bunnylady