Little Miss Complainer Rambles Off Her List Of Gripes While Hiking And It's Too Funny

Adam Staten

An adorable girl turned into Little Miss Complainer during a hike with her parents, making it clear she was NOT happy about their trek through the woods. And listening to her animated protests is just too funny!

Everyone has things they absolutely hate doing. It may be taking out the trash, doing the dishes, or mowing the lawn.

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As much as we may dislike those tasks, we still go ahead and do them regardless. Similarly, one little girl made her disgust for something she was doing crystal clear!

Little Miss Complainer Hates Hiking

The clip shows a child from behind as she walks along a muddy path through snow-covered woods. It looks like the little girl may have fallen down a time or two. Her pants legs are splattered with mud!

Despite her dirty clothes and the snow on the ground, the little girl persists, walking along the path. But do not mistake the child’s continued movement on the path for any enjoyment on her part. No, Little Miss Complainer is not happy about the hike and isn’t shy about letting anyone know about it.

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The little girl publicly and hilariously airs her complaints as she continues.

“I am tired,” she says. “I feel -- I am sick, I am tired, I am wet.”

Much like her walking on the path, Little Miss Complainer goes on and lists even more reasons why the hike should end immediately.

“I am hungry. I am thirsty,” she says. 

The child wants to be anywhere else, doing anything other than what she is doing at that very moment. 

Funny Reaction To Hiking

Even though she may not like it, the little girl is learning an important life lesson. She is finding out that life is not all about what we want to do but more about what we must or have to do. 

While the little girl loudly complaining is hilarious, we have all been in her position once, twice, or maybe even more. We have all whined and grumbled about being forced to complete a task but did it anyway.

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Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

WATCH: Girl Hilariously Complains During Hike

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Rumble

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