
Little Boy Abandoned At Train Station Captures Hearts All Over

April 19, 2017

Little Boy Abandoned At Train Station Captures Hearts All Over

God Gives Boy Abandoned In A Train Station A New Family

Mindy Wise and her family are obedient followers of Christ. As missionaries, they've gone where God calls them. Mindy has developed a special heart for orphans. She calls herself mama bird to 4 biological kids, 2 waiting in Heaven and 2 adopted. Mindy shared the beautiful story of her second adoption on Facebook. And hearing how her family changed the life of a 7-year-old boy abandoned in a train station is truly moving!

Mindy and her family spent 5 years in China as missionaries. A heartbreaking loss -- a miscarriage -- brought them back home to the United States. But years later, God called them back to this country for the most splendid reason -- to adopt a son!

Mindy couldn't help but marvel at God's goodness.

"To think that the cause of our departure was the ending of a pregnancy by miscarriage, thus losing a child, and the return is to gain one...we are going full circle!" she wrote.

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Mindy and her family couldn't wait to bring home a little boy named Levi -- to show him what it meant to be truly loved. She openly shared their adoption journey on her Facebook page, along with the wonderful day her husband and son went to bring Levi home.

Mindy wrote on Facebook:

"God writes the most incredible stories!

On September 9th, 2012 a little boy around the age of 7 was abandoned in a train station in Northern China.

No one was watching.

He wandered around for several hours with a few Chinese yuan and the clothes on his back. Eventually an older woman noticed and passed him to an officer. The officer drove him to an orphanage and there he remained, waiting for his dad to come get him.

Days passed, turning into weeks, then months, finally years.

His wait is almost over!!

A new family is coming for him, one who won't leave him.

On April 10th 2017 (China time/April 9th 9:30 pm EST), Jia Wang will get a new name, Levi, meaning "joined in harmony". He will get a new family, new home & a completely new life.

When I woke up in the middle of the night, I felt like I should ask Facebook who is watching this story unfold, and where are you. [I colored in all the responses.]

Just look whose watching now??!!!!

People all across America and around the world are being effected by this little boys life!!!
If every orphan had this kind of love, support and prayers backing him/her, this world would be a completely different place!"

What a beautiful story of God at work!

“Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27

h/t: Facebook

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