Lifeless Baby Amazes Doctors By Miraculously Breathing Again
August 26, 2016

Lifeless Baby Miraculously Breathes Again
When doctors pulled a lifeless baby boy from an injured Syrian woman's womb, it at first looked like another win for evil. But then, everyone in the room witnessed a miracle! ***WARNING - Some photos may be considered graphic*** Credit: YouTube / Channel 4 NewsSo Much Darkness
The horrific accounts coming out of the relentless conflict in Syria seem to be never ending. Even stories of survival, like the now famous picture of a Syrian boy who survived the airstrike that demolished his home, are tainted by the reality that such brutality exists. Credit: Aleppo Media Center The tiny boy -- Omran, from the war-torn city of Aleppo, Syria -- was pulled from the rubble that had previously been his home. Covered in blood and dust, it's his blank stare that caused CNN news anchor, Kate Bolduan, to break down. Through her tears, she said:"We shed tears, but there are no tears here. He doesn't cry once. That little boy is in total shock. He's stunned."You can watch Kate's reaction in the video below: Miraculously, the little boy and his entire family survived the airstrike that crumbled their home. And it's the miracles and stories of humanity that shine a light into the darkness.
"For God, who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6RELATED: The internet responds with kindness to help a single father who is a Syrian refugee
Signs Of Hope
That same city of Aleppo bore witness to God's power again through a lifeless baby boy. An airstrike seriously injured a pregnant woman named Mayissa. She stumbled into a hospital with both her right arm and leg broken. [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] But her injuries weren't the reason for her visit. Mayissa was in labor. Credit: YouTube / Channel 4 NewsA Miracle Needed
Before they could deliver her baby, surgeons first had to pick shrapnel from the woman's belly. They then performed an emergency c-section. The mood was somber as doctors pulled a lifeless baby from his mother's womb. In the graphic, difficult to watch video capturing the whole ordeal, which aired on Britain's Channel 4 News, one of the medics asks if there is a heartbeat. "No, no, I'm sorry," is the agonizing response from one of his colleagues. Credit: YouTube / Channel 4 News But the medical staff refuses to give up. And after a few minutes, the umbilical cord twitches -- showing signs of life. RELATED: A girl born with her brain growing on the outside of her skull defies all odds and miraculously survivesLight Overcomes Darkness
With the sign of hope that God is ready to provide the miracle they so desperately need, the doctors continue to fight. And after 20 minutes of trying to resuscitate the lifeless baby, they are blessed with a cry from the infant! Credit: YouTube / Channel 4 News"The most elemental sound of all," journalist Matt Frei says in the report. "More powerful, for a brief moment, than Aleppo's daily cry of death."RELATED: Little girl miraculously survives after her heart stops for 12 minutes Both mother and baby survived, and the mood in the operating room changes to one of relief and joy. While the medical staff is to be commending for all of their efforts, they know where the true praise belongs for this miracle -- with God! Credit: YouTube / Channel 4 News And it's through those miracles, in the midst of the wickedness of men, that we find hope. There will always be darkness in this world, and at times, it can seem overwhelming. But in those times, it's important to remember that the war has already been won. Light will always overcome the darkness!
"Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.'" John 8:12[rsnippet id="2" name="ArticleAd-300x250-3"]
Hear how these Syrian refugees are able to still find hope after nearly dying and losing everything!
h/t: NBC NewsToday's Devotional
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