
Lauren Daigle Behind The Scenes of 'Look Up Child' Photo Shoot

November 16, 2018

Lauren Daigle Behind The Scenes of 'Look Up Child' Photo Shoot


Lauren Daigle is topping charts with her album “Look Up Child”. As both a Top Christian Albums chart-topper as well as a Billboard 200, Daigle has quickly found herself a spot as one of the top “crossover” artists thanks to her encouraging music and unique sound. This gives her a unique opportunity to reach the unchurched with the message of Jesus' love! In this video, Lauren takes us behind the scenes of 'Look Up Child' and it's cool to hear her tell about the experience.

In this behind-the-scenes look, Daigle takes us through her photo shoot for the album cover of “Look Up Child”. Sharing that she didn’t realize the amount of physical “cardio” effort that went into a photo shoot, Lauren is so down-to-earth and makes the viewer instantly feel a part of her big day. Daigle shared that some of her inspiration for the album was taken from the influences of some of her favorite performers. "Making the record, we've kept things really traditional, just to kind of lean into Roberta Flack, and Aretha Franklin, and Lauren Hill. They really had an impact on me." Lauren shared.

Lauren Daigle Behind The Scenes of 'Look Up Child' Photo Shoot credit: youtube.com

Daigle’s album has really been an encouragement to a wide range of people. While she is passionate about her music being faith-centered, the lyrics offer a powerful message of hope and encouragement to those who may not have a faith walk themselves. Her song “You Say” discusses finding self-worth through God’s eyes and not our own. The song has become a heart’s cry for so many in a world that continually critiques and compares.

"You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short, and when I don't belong
Oh, you say I am yours, and I believe, oh I believe, what You say of me.”

h/t: Godtube.com

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