
'Prayers Are Working': Boy Thrown From Mall Of America Balcony Heads Home From Hospital

September 05, 2019

'Prayers Are Working': Boy Thrown From Mall Of America Balcony Heads Home From Hospital

In April 2019, a stranger threw 5-year-old Landen Hoffman over a third-floor balcony at the Minnesota Mall of America. The 40-foot drop left the poor boy severely injured. But after months of prayer, the family joyously reports Landen is finally home from the hospital!

There are things in this world that will never make sense. Like why a complete stranger would throw an innocent child over a balcony. But that's exactly what happened to Landen Hoffman.

RELATED: Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me Update Reveals Jesus Healed Boy Thrown At Mall Of America

Landen was at the Mall of America in Minnesota on April 12 with his mom and friend when a complete stranger suddenly grabbed a hold of him and threw the boy over the balcony.

The nearly 40-foot drop could have easily killed him. But miraculously, Landen survived the fall.

Of course, not without severe, life-threatening injuries. The 5-year-old suffered two broken arms, a broken leg, and fractures to his face and skull following the unthinkable act of violence.

Family Shows Inspiring Faith In Face Of Tragedy

The man accused of throwing Landen over the balcony didn't know the family at all. Reportedly, he was just "looking for someone to kill" and settled on the little boy.

This kind of unexplainable evil is something we can't escape in a broken world. And yet, Landen's family is responding to the violence in a way that is truly inspiring. 

"You intended to harm him," Landen's mom said in an update, "but God intended it for good! To accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." 

This faithful family is putting all of their trust in the Lord and living out the words from Romans 12:17-21:

"Repay no one evil for evil (17). . . Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (21)"

Landen Hoffman's parents are choosing forgiveness over hate.

"I’m sad you chose anger and hatred. Something really bad must have happened to you for you to want to do this to a sweet, innocent little boy," Landen's mom went on to say in her update. "I hope God can save you and show you what His love is all about someday… I want you to know I forgive you. Not because what you did was okay, not because I want to; but because God wants me to."

And God is showing His love to the Hoffman family through the kindness, prayers, and support of others during this dark time.

Exciting Update On Landen Hoffman

Immediately following the horrible event, a close family friend wasted no time in setting up a fundraising page intended to support Landen and his family. 

RELATED: Heroic Dad Fights For Life After Diving Head First Off Balcony To Save His Son

There, the family has been providing updates on the 5-year-old's recovery journey. And there, prayers and support (included over one million dollars in donations!) have poured in from all over, leaving Landen's parents to revel in God's grace and love.

"God’s hand is working. Your prayers are working," the family wrote in an update. 

Following 15 different medical procedures/surgeries to treat Landen's severe injuries, his condition gradually improved from critical to stable.

Then, after several months, the family joyously announced in a Landen Hoffman update that the little boy had moved out of intensive care to inpatient physical therapy!

Soon after, doctors released Landen from the hospital. He could finally go home and continue his recovery there!

"We are pleased to share that our son completed his inpatient rehabilitation and is now home," the update reported. "We are so thankful, and we rejoice in the Lord’s blessings to our family." 

WATCH: Boy Thrown Off Mall Of America Balcony Heads Home

The hard work isn't over, as Landen Hoffman still has plenty of outpatient rehabilitation ahead of him. So, his family asks everyone to keep lifting their son up in continued prayers for healing. Landen's progress so far has been nothing short of a miracle!

RELATED: An Answered Prayer And Special Angel Saves Mom And Baby

What an incredible example of how God's glory can overcome any tragedy!

"And the light goes on shining in the dark; it is not overcome by the dark." John 1:5

h/t: New York Post

Featured Image: Help For Landen GoFundMe/Facebook


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