
Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me Update Reveals Jesus Healed Boy Thrown At Mall Of America

October 24, 2024

Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me Update Reveals Jesus Healed Boy Thrown At Mall Of America

The Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me page has been providing updates on the condition of the 5-year-old boy thrown at Mall of America back in April 2019. His survival is a miracle in and of itself. But now, Landen is walking again and has even returned to school. And the sweet boy credits Jesus for his complete healing!

For reasons we'll never understand, a complete stranger walked up to an innocent boy at the Mall of America and threw him over a balcony in April 2019. That boy was 5-year-old Landen Hoffman.

RELATED: ‘Prayers Are Working’: Boy Thrown From Mall Of America Balcony Heads Home From Hospital

Miraculously, Landen survived the 40-foot drop. And an update on the Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me page says the little boy knows why.

"Angels caught me and Jesus loves me, so I’m ok," he tells people.

While family friend Noah Hanneman launched the Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me page to help cover Landen's extensive medical bills, it also became a place for the family to share their faith and ask for prayers.

And the results have been incredible!

Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me Provides Recovery Updates

The boy thrown at Mall of America faced so many life-threatening injuries. Following the horrific incident, Landen suffered two broken arms, a broken leg, and fractures to his face and skull.

Prayer warriors from all over lifted this sweet boy and his grieving family up to the Lord. And in August 2019, doctors released Landen from the hospital so he could continue recovering at home.

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“God's hand is working. Your prayers are working,” the family wrote in an update on the Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me page.

What a blessing it was for this sweet boy to be home. But he still had plenty of damage to overcome.

"He came home with a limp and uneven legs from a two-time broken femur," says the Go Fund Me page.

The update goes on to report how Landon still had "an open wound on his belly" which the family had to treat every night, and many follow up appointments and medications.

Landen's prayer warriors, both far and wide, kept on praying for his recovery. And in just a few short months, his progress was astounding!

Little Boy Credits Jesus With Amazing Healing

In a Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me update posted November 22, 2019, Noah Hanneman passed along some incredible information from the Landen Hoffman's parents.

"He is now walking PERFECTLY with even legs AMEN. The wound has finally scabbed over and new skin is growing, and we are still optimistic he will be off some of his medications soon," the update read.

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Not only that, but Landen is back in school as a Kindergartner.

"He gets out of the car every morning happy and blows kisses all the way in! He's a strong, happy boy," the post goes on to say.

With more doctor's appointments on the way, Landen Hoffman's parents continue to ask for prayers.

“Thank you so much for praying us home and please continue to pray for complete recovery as we are still healing!”

Inspirational Overcomer Landen Hoffman

The man who threw the boy off the balcony at Mall of America said he'd gone to the mall "looking for someone to kill." He pled guilty to attempted murder and was sentenced to 19 years in prison. And as shocking as his act of violence was, God's grace has overpowered the evil act.

"There was one bad person, but from that came millions of Good people," said the Landen Hoffman Go Fund Me update, of all the love and support that's been pouring in.

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Not only has Landen's family forgiven the man who harmed their innocent son, but they've used Landon's inspirational overcomer story to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to thousands. What a mighty God we serve!

"You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive." Genesis 50:20

WATCH: Landen Hoffman Update On Miraculous Recovery

h/t: Christian Headlines

Featured Image: Youtube/CBS This Morning


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