Joyce Meyer Reminds Us to Face the Enemy with Determination and What She Says Is Powerful

Adam Staten

The ever-inspiring Joyce Meyer encourages us to face the enemy with determination. And this is a powerful reminder we all need to hear!

Anyone who has spent even a fraction of time on Earth understands that not every experience is pleasant, joyful or happy. In fact, situations in life can be downright cruel, unkind and upsetting.

RELATED: Joyce Meyer On How To Deal With Difficult Person Using Godly Wisdom

But when those troubling circumstances arise, Christians are to face them with resolve and steadfastness.

Facing The Enemy Requires Determination

In a clip posted on YouTube, Joyce Meyer, speaking from the pulpit, mentions how Christians are to address unpleasant situations in which it’s obvious that Satan is at work. Instead, Joyce states that Christians have no reason to be afraid of or fear such instances.

“We don’t have to be afraid of difficulty and hard times,” Joyce said. “We’re anointed for hard. Did you hear me? We are anointed for hard.”

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She mentions that when we face these situations, we do not go into them alone.

“We have the power of the Holy Spirit in us,” she said. “We don’t have a spirit of wimpy and timidity, and you know, ‘I can’t, and it’s too hard.’ No, we can do whatever we need to do, and whatever God asks us to do, He gives us the strength and the grace to do it.”

Near the end of the clip, she pointed out a commonly used tactic of the enemy. Joyce stated that often people begin questioning themselves, and doubts about their abilities and qualifications will increase. That, as she states, is nothing more than a way to keep Christians from fulfilling whatever the Lord has called them to do. 

“I want you to believe the same thing about whatever it is that God wants you to do in your life,” Joyce said. “We’re qualified by God.”

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Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

WATCH: Joyce Meyer Encourages Determination In Difficult Times

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

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