How Joanna And Chip Gaines Saved The Day For Hoda Kotb And Baby Hope

Mel Johnson

In 2019, Christian celebrity and Today Show co-host Hoda Kotb adopted her second child, baby Hope. Soon after, she was trying without success to get her one-month-old daughter to sleep. And here's how Joanna and Chip Gaines helped Hoda out!

Hoda Kotb Adoption

Today Show anchor Hoda Kotb became a first-time mom at 52 in 2017 when she adopted a baby girl, Haley Joy.

"She is the love of my life," Hoda gushed when making the announcement.

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Then, in April of 2019, the Kobt clan grew again.

Haley Joy became a big sister when Hoda adopted her second baby girl, Hope Catherine Kotb.

Hoda Kotb Instagram Announcement

Children truly are a blessing. But let's face it. They can also be pretty exhausting!

So one day, as Hoda Kotb struggled to get baby Hope to take a nap, she unexpectedly got a little help from her friends -- Joanna and Chip Gaines!

Chip And Joanna Gaines Show Does The Trick

When Mother's Day 2019 arrived, with two beautiful daughters to call her own, Hoda Kotb age 54 had a lot to celebrate. 

The day was perfect. She enjoyed a home cooked meal by Hoda Kotb's partner, Joel Schiffman. Her 2-year-old daughter, Haley Joy, surprised her with a handmade card.

Next, came some time to rest. And as anyone who has raised kids knows, naptime is music to a mom's ears.

The only problem is one-month-old baby Hope wasn't going down without a fight!

Hoda Kotb's daughter was restless and fussy. Nothing seemed to be working. But then, God sent a miracle in the way of Fixer Upper!

"Let me tell you, I put her in the bassinet right by the TV, even though I know you're not supposed to," Hoda explained. “She won’t sleep, she won’t sleep, I click on Chip and Joanna — she is out cold!"

For whatever reason, the sound of Joanna and Chip Gaines making home improvement magic just knocks Hope right out!

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And as a busy mom, Hoda knows better than to question it and just takes this little nap hack as a blessing.

“I don’t know what it is, but I love it,” she said.

Parents and grandparents - do you have any special tricks for putting a baby to sleep?

h/t: Babygaga

Featured Image Credit: Instagram

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