3rd Grade Teacher Shares Hilarious Comments She's Pulled From The Classroom 'Tattle Box'

Adam Staten

A teacher in Washington D.C. has been able to successfully channel and redirect her students' tendencies to report on the unsavory activities of their fellow classmates.

Growing up, most people probably heard that “no one likes a tattle tale.” Instead of running to the nearest authority figure to report every little thing someone else does, as kids we were told to exercise discretion. “Don’t tattle,” people would say. 

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But those words of advice do not appear to be have been entirely correct. Instead, it looks like people enjoy those who tattle, at least on social media. 

Jillian Magee, a 30-year-old third-grade teacher, started a “tattle box” for her classroom, according to Fox News. Additionally, Jillian has posted videos to TikTok in which she reads off some of what the children have written and put in the box. 

The account on TikTok has nearly 114 thousand followers and has been liked more than 4 million times. Additionally, the videos in which the tattler comments are read have been viewed millions of times. One video alone has been watched more than 32 million views!

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In one of the hilarious tattle videos, the complaints cover a wide range. Students voiced their concerns about several issues, including someone begging for food. 

The Children Write Up Their Hilarious Comments About Their Fellow Classmates

One student stated that someone “was standing behind me like a creep.” Someone else was upset because they wouldn’t “stop talking to me.” 

Another student wrote one of their fellow classmates up because “they kept asking me for food.” Someone else didn’t like that another student was staring at them, while another said they'd been kicked several times. 

Those reports of misconduct were all from just one video!

Now, why did Jillian create a box for her students to tattle on their fellow classmates? Well, she claims that it’s actually a way to save time.

“They would interrupt me mid-sentence in the middle of class with very random tattles on other students,” the teacher told Fox News.

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Jillian also added that children at that age need to keep adults up to date with “every little thing that’s going on.”

But Jillian doesn’t just have a box for her students to tattle. She has also created what she calls “the shout-out box.”

A video of shout outs includes things like someone is “always kind,” while “being the best friend ever” was a popular shout out.

“A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.”Proverbs 17:22

WATCH: Teacher Shares Hilarious Tattles From Students in Her Class


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h/t: Fox News & TikTok/Tattler00

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/Tattler00

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