
Identical Twin Sisters Have Babies The Same Day & Time

July 14, 2016

Identical Twin Sisters Have Babies The Same Day & Time
Sarah Mariuz and Leah Rodgers are used to sharing. After all, they are identical twin sisters. But as adults, God had an amazing plan for these two sisters to share something they would have never dreamed possible! [caption id="attachment_29764" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day fb Credit: Stuff.com[/caption]

Secrets, Secrets

Sarah was planning to tell Leah a big secret when she and her husband came to visit for Thanksgiving. But Little did she know, Leah had a secret to reveal, as well. And the real shock was when the twin sisters realized their secret was one in the same. Both of them were pregnant!
“She showed up to my front door and I welcomed her and Nick [Sarah's husband] inside,” Leah recalls. “And I had this crazy twin intuition — I call it my ‘twintuition’ — and I knew she was pregnant, too.”
[caption id="attachment_29765" align="alignnone" width="406"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day 1 The sisters at their baby shower       Credit: Today Show[/caption] Despite her "twintuition," Leah let Sarah share her news first. Finding out they were both expecting was incredible enough. But when they compared due dates, things even more amazing. They sisters were due only 4 days apart! RELATED: Adorable pregnancy time lapse of mom who is pregnant with twins [caption id="attachment_29766" align="aligncenter" width="525"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day 2 Sarah with her husband and newborn       Credit: Today Show[/caption]

God's Incredible Plan

The joyous news was met with much excitement, along with the question of whether the timing had been planned by the twin sisters. But none of it was by their own doing.
We were at our older sister’s wedding recently, and, well, two pregnant chicks together, people couldn’t stop talking about this,” Leah said. “They kept asking us, ‘Was it planned?’ No! It was kind of entertaining.”  
[caption id="attachment_29767" align="aligncenter" width="525"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day 3 Leah and her husband       Credit: Today Show[/caption] This was a case of divine intervention, to be sure. But God's incredible work was not done yet! There are several states separating Sarah from Leah. Yet, both women went into labor on the same day. But here's the real kicker. . . the twin sisters delivered their babies at the exact same time on the exact same day -- June 30th at 1:18AM! RELATED: These 3 generations all share the same birthday [caption id="attachment_29768" align="aligncenter" width="720"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day 4 Leah (left) and Sarah (right) with their babes       Credit: People Magazine[/caption] However, there was one major difference. While Leah gave birth to a little boy, Reid Joseph, Sarah had a little girl, Samantha Lynne. [caption id="attachment_29769" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates identical twin sisters give birth same day 5 Reid Joseph (left) and Samantha Lynne (right)       Credit: People Magazine[/caption] Both babies were born happy and healthy. And despite the distance between where they live, the twin sisters expect these little cousins to share in a similar bond. What an incredible blessing. Our Lord truly works in mysterious ways!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17  

See the incredible way God reunited these long lost sisters!

mj-godupdates-orphaned-sisters-reunite-working-at-same-hospital-fb h/t: 22 Words

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