Singer Shares A New Take On The Resurrection From This Hillsong Hit

Stacie Marshall

 "O Praise The Name"

Easter week is the one time of year when Christians AND non-Christians alike pause and take time to think about WHO Jesus was and is. This Hillsong hit-- "O Praise The Name" -- is a beautiful song telling a timeless story.

Hillsong singer, David Ware, offers his viewpoint on this new song.

David said that songwriter, Marty Sampson told him to sing the line “I cast my mind to Calvary,” as if Jesus was in front of him.

This helped him reflect on the meaning of Easter and changed the way he thought about Jesus’ resurrection.

Anástasis: Jesus' resurrection that leads us to respond to His great love for us!

Ware said, “As I began to envision the hill of Calvary, I imagined what it would have been like to actually be there on that day, looking up at my Saviour hanging on that tree, the Messiah, full of love for me, as He breathed His last.”

It's a story that's as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago. It's His story; it's our story. It was real then, and it's real now. We pray that this Easter, it's real for you too.

The singer hopes that listeners will hear the song in the same way and take time to reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Romans 5:8 says, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  This song is a story of the Cross, a story of love, and of rebirth

For another Easter worship song, click here!

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