
Walmart Employee Coach Justin Helps Mom and Autistic Child During Meltdown

January 31, 2025

Walmart Employee Coach Justin Helps Mom and Autistic Child During Meltdown

Life as a special needs parent can be filled with challenges, and you may need extra help to meet those challenges. Sarah, an autism mom, was in need when a few individuals stepped in to help, including a Walmart employee, Coach Justin. And in return, she nominated him for “Feel Good Fridaywith East Idaho News.

Sarah wrote to “Feel Good Friday” about her experience and what Coach Justin did for her. She begins her letter by sharing that her nine-year-old son, Declan, was born prematurely and has some developmental delays as well as autism. “He is non-verbal, and at times, his inability to communicate his needs can lead to frustration and aggression,” she shares.

Sarah Was Shopping At Walmart With Her Son

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She was shopping at Walmart with Declan when he became severely agitated and combative. “He was pulling my hair, biting me, and pushing me around—he’s incredibly strong, and I was struggling to manage his behavior,” she wrote.

Sarah didn’t think leaving the store or driving in his current state would be safe so she attempted to grab him on the floor and called her husband to meet her at the store. She was used to people staring and pointing, but that night was different. “There I was, on the floor of Walmart, wrestling with my son, crying as people watched,” she said.

Two other special needs moms and Coach Justin, an employee at Walmart, came to help. “Justin went above and beyond. He was calm, supportive, and made sure that Declan’s head was protected from hitting the ground,” Sarah shared. He also blocked a few bites and may have gotten bitten himself.

Justin Also Had a Son on the Autism Spectrum

Justin also had a son on the autism spectrum, which helped Sarah feel understood by him. They safely got Declan to the car just as Sarah’s husband arrived at the store. “Justin gave me a sincere hug and reassured me, telling me that I was doing a great job and not to worry about what had happened in the store,” she said.

East Idaho News went to Walmart to award Justin for “Feel Good Friday.” It was clear that he was her hero. He helped with Declan and reassured her that she was a good mom and had an amazing kid.

Hearing those words must have done so much for her heart. As an autism parent himself, Justin walked away from the experience knowing that they were not alone and that there are other people out there going through similar situations. That they were all in this together.

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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." - Galatians 6:10

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h/t: East Idaho News

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/East Idaho News

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