
Grieving Mom Honors The Baby She Lost With A Miscarriage Tattoo

July 08, 2016

Grieving Mom Honors The Baby She Lost With A Miscarriage Tattoo

Mom's Miscarriage Tattoo Goes Viral

The value of life isn't dependent upon a specific trimester or week of pregnancy. Any mom who's ever had a miscarriage can attest to that. No matter how early or late in the pregnancy, they will tell you they lost their baby, a precious life. Yet, as common as miscarriage is, many women feel they must suffer in silence, making an already terrible experience even worse. Which is why we're so glad to see Joan Bremer's miscarriage tattoo going viral! [caption id="attachment_29517" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral fb Credit: Facebook / Imgur[/caption] Like most parents, Joan (31) and her husband were over the moon to find out she was pregnant with their first child. [caption id="attachment_29490" align="aligncenter" width="425"]godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral 1 Credit: Facebook / Joan Bremer[/caption] But only 7 weeks in Joan experienced bleeding and horribly painful cramps. The doctor confirmed her worst fears. She'd had a miscarriage. [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] It was heartbreaking to lose the life they'd only just celebrated. And even though Joan's pregnancy hadn't lasted long, Joan knew she'd never forget her unborn baby. So, she decided to honor the memory of her little angel with a miscarriage tattoo.
"It took about three days to recover, and during that time I thought of getting a tattoo to mark this life experience," she said. "For me, all the tattoos I have signify something, and even though this was a painful time, I still wanted to be able to remember it in some way."
RELATED: Missy Robertson opens up about her miscarriage and difficult pregnancy

Dealing With The Loss

Joan turned to the Internet to find the perfect expression of her loss. Once she'd chosen a design -- a single line connecting two hearts -- she had the tribute inked onto her body just a few days after the miscarriage. It was a cathartic moment for the grieving mom, which she shared online via Imgur. To her surprise, her miscarriage tattoo quickly went viral! [caption id="attachment_29491" align="aligncenter" width="541"]godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral 2 Credit: Imgur[/caption] While Joan's pain is completely personal, her situation is far from unique. Despite the fact that miscarriage is extremely common, it's a topic many are afraid to face.
"Losing a baby, even if it's early in pregnancy, is just so difficult," Joan said. "For me, it was healing to be able to speak about it. I know there is a certain silence about miscarriages and pregnancy losses, but I am not ashamed that this happened to me. That was one of my motivations for getting the tattoo in the first place — I really think it's healing to be able to talk about it."
RELATED: Celebrities who have suffered miscarriages Joan's miscarriage tattoo struck a chord with others who'd experienced similar tragedy. Thankfully, the trend is becoming more popular thanks to brave moms like Joan who refuse to keep their loss a secret.

Miscarriage Tattoos On Pinterest

godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral_3 godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral_4     godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral_5 godupdates grieving mom's miscarriage tattoo goes viral_6 Joan and her husband haven't given up on starting a family. They plan to keep trying, and Joan says she will update her tattoo throughout the journey.
"If we are able to carry a baby to term and have a healthy child, I will add a rainbow baby to this design since 'rainbow babies' are babies that are conceived after a loss, just like how something beautiful can come after a storm," she said. "If I end up having a second miscarriage, I will most likely add another heart to this design."
We pray for Joan and her husband, and for all of those who have experienced the pain of a miscarriage.
"Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you. Before you came forth out of the womb, I sanctified you." Jeremiah 1:5
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See the beautiful way these parents honored the sweet babies they lost.

mj-godupdates-family-portraits-honoring-lost-babies-fb   h/t: For Every Mom

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