Little Girl Races To The Rescue When Her Great-Grandma Got Stuck Under The Car

Adam Staten

A young child is now a hero after her quick-thinking maneuver to help save a family member during a scary incident. 

Mothers, fathers and other adults are major influences on children. Despite their seemingly short attention spans and their need to constantly move and explore, children hear the words and watch the actions of the adults around them. For one elderly woman, thankfully, this is the case. 

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The scary situation in mid-January began innocently enough after 79-year-old Patricia Lynch picked up great-grandchild,  7-year-old Mariah Galloway, from school. The school day was over, and Patricia was taking her great-grandchild home, something she had done several times. 

However, when they arrived at Mariah’s home, things took a terrible, horrifying turn. Once the vehicle was in the driveway, Patricia exited her SUV, a blue chevy Equinox, according to Good Morning America. 

Patricia thought the vehicle was in park but was actually in reverse. The sport utility vehicle then proceeded to roll backward. Patricia attempted to stop the vehicle. Instead, the great-grandmother fell, and Patricia’s leg became stuck under the front tire on the driver’s side.

Young Child Acts and Removes Key From the Ignition 

Mariah, who was still in the vehicle at the time, sprang into action. She quickly pulled the key out of the ignition after witnessing her mother and other adults do the same maneuver. Mariah’s action did stop the vehicle from moving, according to Inspire More.

Footage captured by a doorbell camera shows Mariah racing up to her house ringing the doorbell in a panic. Mariah’s mother, Porchia Lane, was alerted to the frightening scene and called 911. 

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Porchia explained that Mariah’s quick-thinking move allowed Patricia to free her leg from under the car. 

“That did get the car off of her foot somehow,” Porchia told ABC 7 “Like, it was a miracle 'cause I don’t know how it happened.”

God performed even more miracles. The 79-year-old did not even suffer a broken bone! However, she did require stitches and blood transfusions due to blood loss, bruises and blisters. 

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Days after the scary incident, Patricia left the hospital. 

Mariah, days later, turned 8 years old. However, the birthday celebration was delayed so she could spend the day with her great-grandmother in the hospital. 

Following the incident, Mariah shared some helpful advice.

“Stay very careful and always follow your heart,” she said

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6

WATCH: Quick-Thinking Child Helps Save Her Great-Grandmother During Horrifying Incident

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h/t: Good Morning America, Inspire More & ABC 7 Chicago

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/ABC 7 Chicago

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