A Good Samaritan handed out money at Walmart to unsuspecting strangers and his act of kindness was a way of showing God is good!
Sadly, the world is full of hurting, struggling and lonely people, and they are all around us. Most people, regardless of their present situation or stage in life, are fighting a battle. Those fights can take many different forms - financial, physical, emotional or spiritual. Because of those hurts, struggles and invisible battles, even the smallest, unexpected display of kindness and care can make a difference.
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In a short, 3-minute clip posted on YouTube, a loving and generous man, Zachary Impellicceiri, approached a handful of people in Walmart and surprised them. His generosity left many speechless and even moved some to tears.
He approached the Walmart shoppers and gave them a choice. He offered them two different colored envelopes.
“I’ve got two envelopes,” he said. “Whatever one you pick, I’ll let you keep what’s inside.”
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Understandably, most of the people Zachary approached were apprehensive and unsure, trying to figure out and gauge his motivations. But, for the most part, the individuals played along as he handed out the envelopes. They tore them open to find either $50, $100 or even $150.
One man could barely talk but did thank God for his good and unexpected fortune.
“God is good,” the Walmart shopper said.
He tried to explain how he planned on using the money to benefit his grandson. However, emotions overcame the man and he had to step away from the camera.
After the reactions of the unsuspecting shoppers, Zach would ask them a few quick, rapid-fire questions, primarily about how they intended to spend the money. But he would always end his conversations with the person by telling them of Christ. It could be as simple as telling them to “let us be more like the Lord” or that Christ is “our only hope for salvation.”
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It was a simple and unexpected act of kindness that started a conversation, which allowed him to spread the message of love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:24 “For our salvation is by hope: but hope which is seen is not hope: for who is hoping for what he sees?”
h/t: Godtube
Featured Image Credit: YouTube