15 Inspirational Quotes From Goats To Brighten Your Day

Stacie Marshall

Goats are always thinking. At least that's what their little expressive faces make us believe! These inspirational quotes from goats are just what you need for the day! We're sure that you will find yourself smiling at least once.

1) Don't be afraid to poke your head around the next corner...cuz that's where opportunities are!

2) If your ears block your vision, don't be discouraged. You don't need to see to follow your heart!

3) Sing out loud - be heard - claim your voice...even if people look at you funny. 

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4) The winds of change are blowing...embrace it!


5) Do you ears hang low? Cuz if they do, OWN IT! :)


6) Don't be afraid to take the first leap - especially if it's a leap in FAITH!


7) You are a beautiful child of God...a little embarrassed because you got yourself stuck in the fence...but still a child of God.

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8) Good friends are always there to lift you up!


9) SMILE and rejoice in the Lord!


10) "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters," Psalm 23:2


11) Psst...I have a secret: "Jesus Loves Ewe" {did you catch that? I did it again - LOL}


12) Every day is a new day and the possibilities are ENDLESS!


13) Look life straight in the eyes and JUST DO IT!


14) You are unique - there is no one like you - God created you by design.


15) Look into my eyes and repeat after me: "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!"

HT BuzzFeed

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images

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