Girl Born With Her Heart On The Outside Says Jesus Made Her Special

Dustin Dedrick

Virsaviya was born with a rare disease that put her heart on the outside of her chest. But you’ll see this is far from the only thing making her special.

Figuring out our purpose is a struggle we all face, and often takes a lifetime to figure out. And that’s just one of the many amazing things about little Virsaviya, who desperately needs our prayers!

With an extremely rare disease that caused her to be born with her heart outside of her chest, this 6-year-old has been through a lot. But the sweet girl not only takes it all in stride -- she already recognizes God’s purpose:

“I know why I have heart outside, because Jesus want to show that he can make special things like me.”

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The condition that plagues the Russian born Virsaviya is called Pentalogy of Cantrell, and it only shows up in about one in a million newborns. For Virsaviya, it means that her heart and intestines are on the outside of her chest, protected by a sheer layer of skin. She also lacks her chest bone, abdominal muscles and diaphragm. But none of this gets in the way of Virsaviya’s happiness.

"My mom always told me that she loves my heart and I really like it."

You don’t have to look far to figure out where Virsaviya gets her strong and faith-filled spirit! Her mom, Dari, has been her daughter’s biggest champion since day one. Dari struggled to find doctors in Russia who were willing and able to help Virsaviya. So, the single mom packed up and used everything she had to move to the United States with her young daughter once she finally found a doctor at Boston’s Children’s Hospital who said he could help the precious girl.

Because of high blood pressure, they’ll need to wait two years before the doctor can perform the surgery that’s needed to ensure a long life for Virsaviya. There’s also the extreme medical costs, compounded by the fact that the Russian mother and daughter are not eligible for insurance. But a fundraising page has been set up for the two, and Dari knows exactly where to place her trust:

"I believe that Jesus will heal her."

Virsaviya’s condition causes the little girl to be very susceptible to the cold, so she and her mom have moved to Florida while they await the funds and right timing for the surgery. And God is definitely at work! Virsaviya’s story was covered by NBC Miami, and the donations poured in. One kind angel from the Internet recently contacted the station, letting them know they would like to cover the remainder of her fundraising goal to be sure little Virsaviya gets the help she so desperately needs!

"I don't have a family here. It's just me and Virsaviya, but now I feel like I have a family because a lot of people just caring about us. They love us. They want to help," Dari said.

Knowing that Jesus has them covered allows Virsaviya to focus on just being a little girl, doing the things she loves, which she describes as:

“I like to draw Jesus, ponies and angels. . .I don't go to the ballet but I want to do it at home."

Please continue to pray for this sweet, little girl and her very special heart.

Credit: NBC Miami   h/t: Faith It

Featured Image Credit: Instagram

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