17 Times These Funny Church Signs Told It Like It is

Kingsley Brown

It's easy to be so focused on the seriousness of Eternal Life that churches can come across as boring or stuffy. We're grateful for these church signs using their God-given sense of humor!  As life gets busier, driving from one task to another can become monotonous.  These signs are a great way to teach the truth and remind us to laugh! These 17 church signs took an opportunity to speak to the community in a creative and fun way. Whether they successfully encourage "newcomers" or not, they are sure to make the passersby have a great chuckle! Enjoy!

1.  This Church Is Well-Rooted

[caption id="attachment_42851" width="864"] Credit: Facebook/My Jesus Joy[/caption] With a root system based on God, the opportunity to reach out and help others is within our grasp. This church has the skinny on how to make your faith grow! We're still having a good laugh over this creative play-on-words!  

2. Fastest Way To A Long Life

[caption id="attachment_42852" width="864"] Credit: Christianity Today[/caption] There's no question that exercise is the secret to long, healthy life. With a plan like this one, you're gonna be in the best shape of your faith-life! RELATED: 10 Rejuvenating Ways To Study Your Bible

3. The Real Omega-3

[caption id="attachment_42853" width="864"] Credit: Belief Net[/caption] This isn't your standard fish oil vitamin! Worry has a way of weighing one down and causing "wrinkles" on our lives. This church sign has the right idea, and who doesn't want a free "faith lift"?  

4. Pumpkin-Spiced Sermons

[caption id="attachment_42854" width="864"] Credit: Pinimg[/caption] Coffee-brewers aren't the only ones sharing the pumpkin-spice love. This church knows how to grab some seasonal participants with it's spicy sign!  

5. Choose Your Navigator Carefully

[caption id="attachment_42855" width="864"] Credit: We Heart It[/caption] It's easy to turn to prayer when life takes a spin. What if God were allowed to drive? Could those unexpected potholes be avoided by letting Him be in control?  

6. This Pew Has A Different Smell

[caption id="attachment_42856" width="864"] Credit: Youtube/FireThunderTV[/caption] It's easy to feel burdened by the continual tide of difficulties that life can toss our way. But what if there was a way to change your perspective on the situation? Sometimes recognizing when something is rotten is the first opportunity to find the root cause and repair it.  

7. God Chooses You For His Team

[caption id="attachment_42857" width="864"] Credit: Steve and Pam Paulson/Overlook Press[/caption] Ah, Sunday afternoon football! Snacks galore, friends and family, and comfortable couches -  what more could you want for your Sunday?  Maybe that missed touchdown wouldn't cut so deep if your day was started with true "R & R". Whether Sunday is the start of your week or the end of it, God is always excited about your visit. #TeamJesus  

8. Man's Best Friend

[caption id="attachment_42858" width="864"] Credit: Masalatime[/caption] The adoring looks. The wagging tail.  The toothy grin.  They love you and you know it. Those four-legged friends are always excited to see their favorite person(s)! What if we truly were as amazing as our pets make us feel? Loving, caring, generous, welcoming, and faithful. Yes, God, please make us all of those things! RELATED: Devoted Dog Spends 2 Months Trekking 50 Miles To Find His Owner

9. Check Out His Latest Posts On "Gracebook"

[caption id="attachment_42859" width="864"] Credit: Instagram/AuntieSem[/caption] It's easy to get caught up in the social storm. A scroll through a news feed, a quick "like" or "retweet" and we've caught up with 50 friends. But those deep moments, the ones that truly fulfill, can only come with personal interaction. That doesn't just mean with those on earth. A relationship with God shouldn't be quick "like" or "heart" of a meaningful quote here or there. Rather, He wants to talk AND listen to us.  

10. God's Workers Have Skills

[caption id="attachment_42860" width="864"] Credit: Trend-Chaser[/caption] Noah wasn't a great shipbuilder. But God still used him. All the learning and planning couldn't keep the Titanic from human-caused error.  Sometimes we have to stop and accept the challenge God gives us and focus on the opportunity to be a part of a miracle.  

11. Secure Your Tomorrow With A Decision Today

[caption id="attachment_42861" width="864"] Credit: worship facilities[/caption] Eternity doesn't come without a price. Thankfully, that price was paid by Jesus. But if your faith is on layaway, you might just miss it. Don't wait for your limo ride to the church, come as you are and connect where you can!  

12. They're bringing Jesus baaaack

[caption id="attachment_42862" width="864"] Credit: Funny Signs[/caption] Indeed, we are! Who needs to focus on anything else when God offers us grace? If you're full of grace and your focus is placed on Him, there is no room for the Devil!  

13. The Final Episode Is Already Written

[caption id="attachment_42863" width="864"] Credit: DC-church[/caption] Long before Obi Wan, there was the original One. He's still on the throne and ruling the galaxies! No lightsabers needed. (Though, we'd like to think that every time God puts Satan in his place there are amazing lightsaber sound effects.)  

14. Do You Have A Vacancy?

[caption id="attachment_42864" width="864"] Credit: Jefferson City Assembly Of God[/caption] What a unique perspective! Are we too busy with our daily lives to open the door for Jesus? Have we filled our time so full that there is no vacancy for God? Maybe taking that extra time to help an elderly person with their groceries or the neighbor rake their leaves is a start to showing Jesus we have room in our "inn" for Him!  

15. Patience Is A Virtue

[caption id="attachment_42865" width="864"] Credit: Memes For Jesus[/caption] This sign really got us laughing until we thought about the truth behind it. How many times do we call on God when we need a parking space, less traffic, or green lights? Thankfully, God is not actually directing traffic based on our mistakes. But maybe it's time we start thanking Him for the opportunity to slow down, let others go first, or enjoy the extra time in prayer on the way to and from our house!  

16. Coffee and Flannel Not Required

[caption id="attachment_42866" width="864"] Credit: Imgur[/caption] One of the important aspects of Christianity is knowing that God focuses on our heart, not our clothing choices. Whether you come from a meager income or choose to dress in fashionable flannel, Jesus loves you either way. It's always nice to offer God our very best when we come to His house, but it's important to remember that He doesn't base his love for us on our fashion choices. What a blessing to know that God sees what is on the inside.  

17. The Ultimate Gift Reminded Through Church Signs

[caption id="attachment_42867" width="864"] Credit: pinterest[/caption] What an amazing thought! Jesus is the true gift that we celebrate at Christmas. Outside of the opportunity to bless others with gifts, food, and our company, we have the joy of celebrating the most touching gift ever given or received. With Jesus came an opportunity to reconnect with God and to have HOPE in our future. As the world continues to focus more and more on individualism and consumerism, this sign is a great reminder of amazing acts of love and sacrifice. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Josh Groban Performs Christmas Classic  

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