
Man Is Too Ill to Mow His Lawn, So Florence Police Department Shows Up After Overnight Shift

September 25, 2023

Man Is Too Ill to Mow His Lawn, So Florence Police Department Shows Up After Overnight Shift

After their overnight shift, a group of police officers in Kentucky did not immediately rush home but instead went out and performed a touching and moving act of kindness for someone in need.

There is and never will be too much kindness, love and mercy in the world. A little love and kindness can go a long way, making a world of difference to someone struggling. The kind act shows the recipient that they matter and that others recognize them and their needs. 

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A post on social media mentions how four officers with the Florence, Kentucky Police Department – Michael Stanaland, Hunter Jacobs, Andrew Fields and Macean Cook – voluntarily mowed and cleaned up one citizen’s yard. 

During a previous shift, while responding to a medical run at a house, the four officers noticed something. They all spotted the sad state of the property’s lawn and landscape. The Facebook post mentions that the officers were then informed that the gentleman living at the home was sick. He was unable to properly take care of the lawn.

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So, knowing this information, the four Kentucky police officers showed kindness to the sick individual. 

The following day, after their shifts, the four guys, with their own personal lawn equipment, returned to the house. They then mowed and cleaned up the yard, getting it to look good again. 

Officers Hope To Inspire Others To Help Others, Perform Acts Of Kindness

The post also mentions that none of the four officers were seeking to be noticed for their kind deeds. Instead, they were motivated by something else entirely. 

“In speaking with these officers, none of them did it for recognition; they did it because they knew it was the right thing to do is to always try and help those in need,” the post reads. 

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Also, they mentioned that they hope others will look at their example and act similarly. 

“They hope this will inspire others to never pass up an opportunity to perform an act of kindness,” the social media post adds. 

Mowing someone’s yard or holding the door for a stranger may seem like little, insignificant acts. But to someone struggling, it can be life-changing. No one can be entirely sure how a simple act of kindness will impact someone’s life. 

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“And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”  - Ephesians 4:32.

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h/t: Facebook.com/Florence Police Department - Florence, KY

Featured Image Credit: Facebook.com/Florence Police Department - Florence,KY


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