Flight Attendant’s Kindness Towards A Tiny Passenger Goes Viral

Mel Johnson

Serving Humbly and Happily!

Traveling can be fun, but the actual act of getting there can be downright painful -- flying especially. Things rarely go as planned. The plane is usually packed, stuffy, the seats are cramped...and then it happens. A young child starts to cry and the screams fill the tight space. But if you’ve ever been on the other end, you know just how stressful it is to be the one holding the screaming child. Every parent traveling with a small child sweats bullets, fearing they will be those people. That was certainly a very real concern for Heather and her husband as they boarded a plane with their 9-month-old son who’d never flown before. [caption id="attachment_22531" width="400"] Credit: Facebook/ Heather Gooch[/caption] But this is NOT one of those “nightmare" flight stories. And it’s all because of the kindness of one special angel on that flight. Read on to hear Heather’s account of what happened. . . [rsnippet id="3"]
Dear Southwest, I'm hoping you can share this post so that I can be sure that it finds its way to a very special Southwest flight attendant. All I know about her is that her name is Anisse. [caption id="attachment_22532" width="399"] Credit: Facebook / Anissa Charles[/caption] My husband and 9 month old son were flying from Fort Lauderdale back home to Islip, NY on 12/28. This was my son's first trip so we weren't sure how things would go. [caption id="attachment_22533" width="399"] Credit: Facebook / Heather Gooch[/caption] Anisse went above and beyond to make sure that the trip went as smoothly as possible. I have NEVER had a flight attendant as kind and as helpful as she was. My son adored her and kept looking for her as she passed by. At one point, she saw that he was looking for her and getting antsy so she came and picked him up and walked up and down the aisle with him while my husband and I ate our lunch.
Although this may not be a story that stands out from the rest, I wanted to thank her and let her know how appreciated she is. We so often hear about the negative things going on so I wanted to share this story of a someone who made my trip a little brighter. Please help this get to her!
[rsnippet id="2"] It just goes to show that a little bit of kindness can make a huge impression. And it can be just what We just love that Heather took the time to applaud the good, since all too often it is only the bad experiences that get reported. And that kind deed is getting just the attention it deserves! To date, the original post has over 400,000 likes and nearly 60,000 shares! And thanks to all that sharing, the post succeeded in reaching the wonderful flight attendant, Anissa. She responded by saying,
"Y'all are going to make me cry!!! It was truly my pleasure and he made MY day!! I needed him more than he wanted me to hang out with!"
And that's just what being a true servant looks like! Showing kindness with a happy and humble heart is what God desires of all of us.
"Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, as good managers of the grace of God in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:9-10

This flight attendant's kindness towards a disabled is truly moving!

  h/t: Little Things

What this young lady did for a homeless woman had me cheering!

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