
FedEx Driver Returns To Heartbroken Stranger's Door To Pray With Her

January 08, 2022

FedEx Driver Returns To Heartbroken Stranger's Door To Pray With Her

As FedEx employee Amanda Riggan went about making her deliveries, she felt God tugging on her heart. And obeying His call led to an incredible moment where the FedEx driver prayed with a lady who really needed to feel the love of Christ! (If you'd prefer to listen to the audio version of this story, scroll to the end of this article to find the podcast version below!)

God is always looking for ways to use us to do His work. We just need to be willing to answer His call. And that's why FedEx driver Amanda Riggan shared her story on social media.

WATCH: FedEx Driver Prays With Grieving Woman

Amanda Riggan has a servant's heart. In her spare time, she honors first responders and veterans by surprising them with her home-cooked barbecue. But even when she's on the clock working for FedEx, Amanda looks for ways to help others.

And one day, God blessed Amanda with the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a family facing a huge battle!

FedEx Driver Prayed With Stranger During Deliveries

When Amanda stopped to deliver two packages at a house on her route, the lady who lived there happened to be out checking the mailbox. So, she and Amanda struck up a conversation as Amanda walked the packages to the front door.

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Christmas and New Year's had recently passed, and Amanda asked if the woman had enjoyed the holidays. The woman, whose heart was aching, bravely chose to share the truth.

"I was like ‘How was your holidays?’ And with tears in her eyes, she said it wasn’t good," Amanda recalled in a video she posted to Facebook. "She said, ‘He’s sick. My husband’s sick. He has cancer.'”

The news hit Amanda hard and she didn't know how to respond at first, other than to politely change the subject. But as she pulled away from the lady's house, Amanda couldn't get the woman's heartache out of her mind.

"My heart's pounding. I do probably twenty more stops and I have to go back," Amanda said.

Turning around meant losing valuable time from her already tight schedule. But Amanda recognized this disruption as coming from God. And doing His work was her first priority.

"I stopped what I was doing. I went back to that neighborhood and rang her doorbell," Amanda explained. "She came down the stairs, she had tears in her eyes when she saw it was me -- she smiled, and I said ‘Ma’am can I pray with you?’ And she just broke down. She came out on the front porch and squeezed me so tight.”

Obeying God's Call

When this FedEx driver prayed with the grieving woman, it was just the compassion the lady needed. And Amanda didn't share the inspirational story to toot her own horn. She shared it to challenge us all.

"I pray every day for the Lord to use me, but when He’s trying to use you or when you feel that call, and that tug on your heartstrings, do you move your feet? Do you move?”

Our lives are so busy and filled with distraction. We get so focused on our own plans that it's easy to shrug off God's call when it comes in.

Amanda could have argued she didn't have time to turn around. But she'd have missed out on an incredible moment. And this amazing, young woman doesn't want you to miss out on what God has in store for you.

“If you’re praying for the Lord to help and to use you in people’s situations, when He is giving you a chance, do it," Amanda urges. "Be sure you know what you’re praying for when you’re praying.”

I don't know about you, but hearing this powerful message from such a faithful servant gives me so much hope for our future generation!

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"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters" Colossians 3:23

h/t: Facebook/Amanda Riggan

Mel is the senior writer for GodUpdates, finding, writing and sharing Christian, uplifting, and health-related stories from around the world. Mel has a passion for writing and graduated with a degree in English from Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. When she’s not researching and writing stories, Mel is very active in her church. You can usually find Mel playing board games with her husband and two young girls, giving someone a hug, or hunting down a good cup of coffee!


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