Family Honors Grandma By Displaying Quilts At Her Funeral

Mel Johnson

Family Displayed Grandma's Quilts At Funeral

After a life well lived, Margaret Hubl of Nebraska passed away at 89. She left behind lots and lot of quilts. But her family recognizes that each quilt represents lots and lots of love. And that's why, at her funeral, the family displayed grandma's quilts as a colorful tribute to the cherished woman they miss dearly! [caption id="attachment_35283" width="750"] Credit: Today[/caption]

A Passion For Others

Margaret spent her life caring for others. She and her family lived in a small house on a farm. With three children of her own, Margaret didn't hesitate to take in her sister-in-law’s twins following a tragic accident. There was plenty of love to go around. Margaret took up sewing in order to make clothes for all of the children. And as they grew up and moved out, sewing led her to quilting, which soon became a passion. [rsnippet id="3"] It started as a high school graduation gift for the grandchildren.
“She wanted us to have something to wrap up and keep warm in when we went away to school,” said Margaret's granddaughter, Christina Tollman.
Then, Margaret started spending even more time on the quilts, as gifts for each grandchild's wedding day. She thought carefully about each quilt and how to make it special for the person receiving it. Margaret even kept notes. [caption id="attachment_35284" width="768"] Credit: Today[/caption]
“When we sat down to go through her things we found this — I call it a pocket notebook. Inside it says whose quilt she was working on, what day she put it in the quilt frame and which day she took it out,” Christian explained.
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A Special Tribute

The thoughtfulness that went into each and every quilt made them treasured gifts. And so, when Margaret passed away, the family came up with a beautiful way to honor her God-given passion. They displayed grandma's quilts at the funeral, draping each pew with one of Margaret's lovely creations.
“Never did I imagine how many there were,” Christina marveled. “We covered almost every single pew in that church. I never knew how many she actually made.”
In fact, some of the family members were getting to see the quilts Margaret had made them for the first time!
“I actually have three cousins that are not married, and the day of her funeral was the day that they got to see their quilts for the first time,” Christina shared. “That was really kind of a neat moment.”
Margaret's legacy filled the church with love. Each quilt represented hours of the grandma's time -- from the thought and consideration for design, to the time her hands spent weaving together the bright fabrics. Each quilt was truly a labor of love. And it's an effort that wasn't wasted on bit.
“This is the love that Grandma made for each of us. This is what she made for each of us to wrap up in when we hurt,” Christina said. “When we miss her.”
Margaret's family proudly took a photo of the church filled with these special quilts. Each one is a more than just a treasured memento, but also a physical display of just how much Margaret loved her family! [rsnippet id="2"] h/t: Today

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