Hospital Staff Helps Baptize Elderly Patient

Dustin Dedrick

An elderly man baptized right in his hospital room got plenty of help from the medical staff. And thankfully, the touching moment is all caught on camera. 

In this day and age, it’s important to lift up the important moments where God completely shines through. It seems like every time that you turn on the news or watch a video, there is something bad going on. There is so much hate in our world today that it can be tough to find the positive aspects. It’s so important to remember that God is alive and working all around us, even when we think He’s not there. And this special baptism is the perfect example.

RELATED: 94-Year-Old Woman Baptized: It’s Never Too Late To Become Christian

Kenneth Connors is a patient at an Alabama hospital. This elderly man has only fifteen percent of his heart functioning properly. But when it came time to hand his life over the to Lord, nothing could stand in his way. With the help of hospital staff and doctors, Kenneth was unhooked from his machines and transported to an area where he could be baptized. Kenneth is in his eighties, but he proves that you are never too old or too far gone to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Just watch as this incredible baptism takes place right in front of our eyes. It’s truly a blessed moment when someone makes the decision to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts and give themselves to Him. I sure wish we could see more positive and faith-filled moments like this on the news or on social media. Welcome to the family, Kenneth!

WATCH: Elderly Man Baptized In Hospital With Help Of Staff

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


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