While sitting in the ER waiting room with her husband, Kentucky woman Ashley Cherry overheard a conversation revealing an elderly lady was stuck at the hospital with no way home. Ashley couldn't believe that no one seemed to care. But then a Good Samaritan stepped in, reminding Ashley there are still good people in this world!
"This man not knowing her or having a clue where she lived volunteered his time to care of this lovely woman," Ashley said. "She offered to pay but he kindly declined like any good man would."Ashley helped wheel the elderly lady out to the curb while the kind man went to get his truck. She chatted with the Jeffrey's wife, learning he serves as soldier at Fort Campbell, a nearby Army base. This left Ashely in awe.
"Not only does this man serve our great country, he serves his great little community," she said.
"We have to care for our elders like this nice man."RELATED: Stranger Helps Elderly Man Who’s Nervous About Escalator The experience truly humbled Ashley, reminding her there are still great people in this world. It's a reminder we could all use. So, Ashley decided to share Jeffrey's act of kindness on Facebook.
"I just wanted to give a little recognition and respect to this man," she wrote. "Jeffery, if you see this, just know your deeds are recognized and appreciated by your community. Thank you Sir for serving our country and our community."