
Nurse Changed Hospital Rooms for Dying Couple Married 70+ Years

January 24, 2018

Nurse Changed Hospital Rooms for Dying Couple Married 70+ Years

Ed and Ruby Wiley just loved doing things together. A couple for more than 70 years, the two loved the Lord and were active in their community serving others together. But when their health failed them and their time was near, the two found themselves separated--each in different hospital rooms with no contact with one another. That's when a complete stranger stepped in to help the dying couple married 71 years.


Ed Wiley was a World War II veteran who had served in the Navy. He was retired but was still part-owner of a printing company in his hometown of Covington, Virginia. Ed was a deacon at Covington Baptist Church and loved NASCAR--especially the Wood Brothers' #21 racing team.

Ruby Wiley was a cheerful receptionist in the small town's doctor's office after she had retired from working at the local library for many years. Ruby was passionate about serving others and delivered Meals on Wheels to local shut-ins for years.

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The active pair was now in their 90s and had fallen in bad health when they found themselves in the hospital in nearby Salem, Virginia. The pair was in 'comfort care' at this point, and neither was expected to last long here in their physical bodies.

This couple who had spent 71 years of their lives together were now separated at the very end of their lives!

A nurse on their floor, Wendy Williams, heard of the couple and learned that their time was very near.


[caption id="attachment_47081" align="alignnone" width="204"]Dying Couple Married 71 Years Moved Into Same Hospital Room credit: Alleghany Journal[/caption]

Once Wendy learned of their situation she was quick to act, and she and her team made it possible for Ed, Ruby and their family to all be in the same room.

Ed reached out and took Ruby's hand--finally back together with his bride. Ed held Ruby's hand for two straight hours until he quietly passed. Ruby wasn't long behind the love of her life and joined Ed in Heaven mere hours later.

This dying couple married 71 years was definitely meant to have been together in the end. How much peace Ed and Ruby must have felt to have been able to be there for each other in their final moments! And how much better for that family to all be able to be in the same room and stop splitting their time between the two!

Sometimes it's a simple act of kindness that we may not even give a second thought, but it could mean the world to someone else. God calls us to help our fellow neighbor.

Bible Verses About Loving Others

Galatians 6:2 reminds us to "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Hebrews 6:10 says, "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."

And John 15:12 shares, "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."

And while we aren't supposed to help others for the glory, we are really happy that Wendy's employer publicly praised her good deed, because we think the world needs more good news these days!

"Family members were able to surround them the entire time and were so happy and appreciative that their parents could spend their last moments together."
- LewisGale Regional Health System


Nurse Recognized for Her Act of Kindness

The hospital shared the following post on their Facebook page saying, "The compassion and concern of each of our staff members ensured these patients could die together in peace and comfort, surrounded by their family members. Thank you, Wendy, and all the team members at LewisGale Medical Center who continue to provide amazing care for our community."

 Nurse Moves Dying Couple Married 71 Years Into Same Room

Thank you, nurse Wendy Williams and team, for giving Ruby and Ed's love story one more chapter.

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h/t: Facebook, credit: Alleghany Journal


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