Dying 4-Year-Old Shares Her Touching View On Heaven

Mel Johnson

I came across a post on The Mighty of a conversation a mother had with her 4-year-old daughter about Heaven. Sounds adorable, right? I mean, we’re all familiar with the hilarious collections you can find on the Internet of stuff kids say. Well, this is nothing like that.

You see, this mom and her daughter, Julianna, were talking about death. And that is because this sweet little girl has a severe neuromuscular disease that will eventually kill her and for which there is no cure. And so, I just had to share this sweet exchange between mother and child in the hope that this little girl’s spirit would inspire you too.

Go ahead and grab a tissue. . .you’re going to need it.

Julianna: I’m scared about dying.

Mom: That’s normal, Julianna. You’re just like me — everyone is afraid of dying. Julianna, are we talking about heaven too much?

J: No. I like heaven.


J: Mom, can you tell me about the angels?

M: What about them?

J: Will the angels take me to heaven?

M: Yes, I think so.

J: Why does God send angels?

M: I think He sends them so we’re not scared. Did you know God loves you even more than Daddy and me? You know how we said you’ll never be alone? God is the same way — you will not be alone, and you will not be scared. I know this is true.

J: Will you miss me?

M: Yes. I will miss you so much. I’ll be really sad. But I’ll come join you one day.

J: Will I die in heaven?

M: No, we only die once. We get to live in heaven forever.

J: Good. I won’t die in heaven. When you die, will I come to get you?

M: I don’t really know how it works, Julianna. But I think you will be the first person I see when I get to heaven. And I’ll be so happy.

J: Do you want me to stand in front of the house, and in front of all the people so you can see me first?

M: Yes. I’ll be so happy to see you.

J: Will you run to me?

M: Yes. And I think you will run to me too.

J: I’ll run fast! (then she shook her head back and forth to show me how fast she will run).

M: Yes, I think you will run so fast.

As we get older, we start to overcomplicate the idea of heaven and death by trying to figure out all of the how’s and the why’s. It’s all of the unknowns that make death so scary. But I think God wants us to have childlike faith like that of little Julianna. Our Heavenly Father has prepared a place for us, and when we get there, it will not be a time of sorrow, but a time of rejoicing!

“Let not your heart be troubled: have faith in God and have faith in me. In my Father's house are rooms enough; if it was not so, would I have said that I am going to make ready a place for you? And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to be with me, so that you may be where I am. And you all have knowledge of where I am going, and of the way to it.” John 14:1-4

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h/t: The Mighty

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images

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