Dog Jumped Over Wall to Be with Her Friend and Now They Both Found a Home Together

Adam Staten

A wall was unable to keep two furry and cuddly best friends apart and now the pals have a forever home together. 

Animals are more intelligent and experience feelings and emotions at a higher rate than most people would like to believe. Yes, dogs, cats, hamsters, bears and guinea pigs all have instincts that help to predict and explain their actions. But as one video displays, they also can feel love and affection for one another.

RELATED: Dogs Cry Tears of Joy When Reunited with Their Humans

A video posted on YouTube shows the great lengths that one animal went to be reunited with her buddy. Surveillance footage from a camera in the Minneapolis Animal Care and Control reveals the lengths Brenda, a pit bull, went through to be close to Linda, also a pit bull.

Brenda scaled the wall of her kennel, video shows. Once Brenda reached the top, she hopped over the wall. She was reunited with her best pal, Linda, who was in the kennel next to hers. 

Shelter employees were a bit shocked when they came in the following morning and saw the two dogs in one cage, according to CBS News. Madison Weissenborn said that she and another employee had to do several takes. Two dogs in one kennel is not normal. 

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"Me and another employee were walking through the kennels," Madison said. And we walked by, and we had to like triple take. Like, what's going on, because two pitties came to the front of the kennel to greet us, and we were like, 'What?'" 

The scene had shelter employees baffled. But when they looked at the organization’s surveillance footage from the night before, Brenda’s sweet and daring move was revealed.

Brenda and Linda, Best Pals, Get Adopted Together

“We rewatched the video that we have and I about died,” Madison said. “I was, like, ‘This is truly magnificent.’”

But the sweet story of friendship does not end there!

Brenda and Linda, who came into the shelter as strays, have since been adopted together. The two best friends no longer have to worry about or climb any more walls trying to keep them apart.

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“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls and doesn’t have another to lift him up. - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

WATCH: Dog Climbs Over Wall To Be With Best Friend

LISTEN: Shelter Dog Escapes His Kennel And Cameras Reveal What A Wild Night He Had

h/t: CBS News & 2 Click2Houston

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