When This Soldier Struggled, I Was On The Edge Of My Seat. Now I Can't Stop Cheering For Her!

Stacie Marshall

Captain Cudd shows grit and determination!

Like some of you, I have a daughter who is in the ROTC program in college and will be commissioned as a United States Army Officer later this year. We could not be more proud of her and her commitment. And in hearing all that she has overcome during various military training - well, let's just say, we are always exhausted hearing what latest test she's been put through.

The 12-mile ruck march is one of the toughest for all - men and women - alike. The 'ruck' itself weighs 40% of your body weight. For example, If I weigh 140 pounds, I'll carry 56 pounds in my ruck on my back. And marches can be anywhere from 2-15 miles. Keep in mind, these young officers in training are also carrying other equipment to include their rifle as well as wearing a helmet weighing 3 pounds. There is NOTHING easy about training to be part of our military.

Captain Sarah Cudd was at Fort Knox in Kentucky last month hoping to earn her EFMB (Expert Field Medical Badge). One of the criteria for earning this badge is to complete the 12-mile Foot Ruck March. This must be completed in 3 hours and the officer cannot receive any help. (Only words of respect and cheering allowed and encouraged) 

As you will see in this video, Captain Cudd struggles to cross the finish line. Her sheer will and determination pick her up and carry her on. It's amazing to watch. This serves as a reminder of how hard our officers and enlisted personnel work to train and prepare themselves to protect us and our freedoms.

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Way to go, Captain Cudd!!  (when she crosses the finish line, check out her time!)


For another story of determination, CLICK HERE!

HT BootCamp4Me

Featured Image Credit: Youtube

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