
2-Year-Old Girl Goes Missing, Then Deer Hunters Hear Crying In The Woods

October 25, 2023

2-Year-Old Girl Goes Missing, Then Deer Hunters Hear Crying In The Woods

A 2-year-old girl went missing in the South Carolina wilderness, only to be discovered hours later by a group of deer hunters in what is being described by authorities as a “truly miraculous find.” 

For a parent, there is likely no greater fear or worry than realizing their child is gone and missing. One can only imagine the agonizing, distressing and disturbing thoughts and scenarios that would go through a parent’s mind at that time. More than likely, it’s an experience that no parent who has undergone such an unfortunate and heartbreaking situation would wish on their worst enemy.

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This was the exact situation that played out for a Newbery County, South Carolina, couple, according to the Newbery County Sheriff’s Office.  Sara Alice Grice, who laid down for a nap with her mother Sunday afternoon, was last seen by her parents at 3 p.m.

It’s believed that the young child had slipped out of the house undetected, exiting through a backdoor, according to WISTV.

Mekayla recalled the moment she and her husband realized their little girl was missing.

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“Gary’s mother was visiting us,” she said. “He walked her out to the car (through) the back door. Within four minutes of his mother pulling out, he came inside and said, ‘Where’s Sarah?’”

The station reports that this discovery led to them calling 911. They also went on a frantic, 10-minute search of their residence. The child was nowhere to be found in the house. 

A Group Of Hunters Heard A Strange Crying Sound in the Woods

But then several hours later, around 6 p.m., the sheriff's office reports that deer hunters heard an odd, crying sound. Startled by the noise, the concerned hunter also reached out to 911. 

Then, using technology that allowed authorities to map out their exact location, emergency first responders rushed to the area. The child and the hunters in the area were located around 6:30 p.m., both in the woods. Sara Alice was nearly a mile away from her home.

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Surprisingly, except for being tired, dehydrated and frightened, Sara Alice was not hurt. The good Lord certainly kept His hand of protection on this child who had wandered away from home. 

Sara’s mother, Mekayla, understands how lucky she and her husband are that their little girl was not hurt.

“It was a scary thought because what if someone sees movement and doesn’t realize it’s a child,“ she said. 

The Newberry County Sheriff's Office said the discovery was “truly a miraculous find,” in a release about the incident. 

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“Have no fear, for I am with you; do not be looking about in trouble, for I am your God; I will give you strength, yes, I will be your helper; yes, my true right hand will be your support.”Isaiah 41:10

WATCH: Parents Talk About Finding Missing 2-Year-Old

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h/t People, Newberry County Sheriff's OfficeWISTV.com & YouTube.com/WIS News 10

Featured Image Credit: YouTube.com/WIS News 10


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