
Teen Working At McDonald's Goes Out Of His Way To Bless Man Whose Credit Card Is Declined

July 05, 2023

Teen Working At McDonald's Goes Out Of His Way To Bless Man Whose Credit Card Is Declined

One McDonald's worker's kind and unexpected deed greatly blessed a man after his card is declined.  

At times, it can appear that the world is full of nothing but death, destruction and hatred. From angry, profanity-laced posts on social media to constant news stories about America’s deep, polarizing divisions, the negativity can be overwhelming. 

But as Hayden, a McDonald’s employee, demonstrated with his kindness and love, hatred and evil are not as pervasive as 24-hour news and social media would lead one to believe. 

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Hayden’s kind act began when one man, Jason Mosier, walked into the McDonald’s where the young man works. Jason, who was on his way home from work, wanted to grab a quick bite to eat, according to his post on social media. 

Jason proceeded to give the cashier, Hayden, his order. The total for Jason’s order came to $8. However, that’s when things took a turn, according to UpWorthy. 

Jason’s card, for whatever reason, refused to cooperate and was declined. Having only $4 in cash, Jason did not have enough to pay for the entire meal. That’s when Hayden stepped up and showed Jason unexpected kindness. 

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“Before I realized it, the cashier, Hayden, took his debit card out, swiped it, and said, ‘I got you. Don’t worry about it.’”

Hayden paid for Jason's meal! 

But Jason put up a fight, refusing to allow the young man to pay, at first.

“I said, ‘No, no, just void it, please.’ He said, ‘No sir, I got, got it.”

Jason Was Greatly Blessed By Hayden's Kind, Loving Gesture

Jason then gave the young man the four dollars in his pocket and vowed to return with the other four dollars. 

But after leaving McDonald’s, Jason received the biggest surprise yet. He looked in the bag and found the four dollars he had given Hayden and a note on the receipt. 

The note, according to Jason’s Facebook post, read, “Have a Blessed Day.”

After seeing the note, Jason returned to the McDonald’s and grabbed a picture with the young man. 

“Well, young man, you did bless my day,” Jason wrote. “And thank you and never loose (sic) that giving heart. The world is a better place with you in it.”

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Hayden could have handled that situation very differently. Instead, he chose to show Jason kindness and grace, helping him out during an awkward and unfortunate situation. What a simple and meaningful gesture that shows good and kind-hearted people still exist in the world. 

“And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”Ephesians 4:32

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h/t: UpWorthy & Facebook.com/Jason Mosier

Featured Image Credit: Facebook.com/Jason Mosier


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