
5 Couples Who Couldn't Live Without Each Other

May 02, 2018

5 Couples Who Couldn't Live Without Each Other

Couples Who Die Together from a Broken Heart

Doctors have discovered a bizarre condition that provides proof that it is actually possible to die of a broken heart. We've all seen those heartbreaking stories of couples who die together within moments of each other. Family members all said that the couple just 'couldn't live without each other.' And now there is research that proves they're right! Doctors saw a trend of patients, with no prior heart condition, who were experiencing chest pain, low blood pressure and shortness of breath—all symptoms of a heart attack. They questioned these patients and realized they all had one thing in common. “These people were coming into the emergency room with very weak heart muscles, but their arteries were wide open,” says Dr. Mimi Guarneri, a cardiologist and the author of The Heart Speaks: A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing. “Cardiologists realized that there was a pattern—all the patients had recently had an emotional shock, like the death of a spouse.” In other words, these grieving patients were at risk of actually dying of a broken heart! Romantic movies like the Notebook have shown this kind of love on the big screen. But here are five real-life love stories about couples who die together that movies like that are based on. These families were comforted knowing that their loved ones were reunited in Heaven!
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. . . 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Nurse Changed Hospital Rooms for Dying Couple Married 70+ Years

Ed and Ruby Wiley just loved doing things together. A couple of more than 70 years, the two loved the Lord and were active in their community serving others together. But when their health failed them and their time was near, the two found themselves separated–each in different hospital rooms with no contact with one another. That’s when a complete stranger stepped in to help the dying couple married 71 years. Keep reading. Couples Who Die Together after 70+ Years of Marriage  

Couple Fell In Love During WWII, Then After 75 Years Of Marriage Die Hours Apart

Jean and George Spears met and fell in love in a London dance hall during World War II. Their sweet love story stretched for decade after decade. Then, just one month after their 75th wedding anniversary, the WWII lovebirds died hours apart. And still reeling from the sudden loss of both parents, their children say the couple’s deaths defy "any sort of logic." Keep reading. [caption id="attachment_40343" align="alignnone" width="1200"]godupdates wwii lovebirds died hours apart after 75 years of marriage fb Credit: Ottawa Citizen/Post Media[/caption]

Elderly Couple Married 62 Years Pass Away Together While Holding Hands

Tom and Delma Ledbetter enjoyed 62 years of marriage. And when it was time to go home to be with Jesus, the two did it together. Just like something out of a romance story, the beautiful couple died holding hands, just hours apart. It’s not easy losing two loved ones at once. But the family members of Tom and Delma Ledbetter find consolation in knowing the two ended their lives just as they’d spent them — together. Keep reading. [caption id="attachment_37044" align="alignnone" width="1200"]godupdates elderly couple died holding hands after 62 years of marriage_fb Credit: KPRC Click2Houston[/caption]

A Couple Married For 63 Years Die Just 20 Minutes Apart

Henry (86) and Jeanette (87) De Lange were married 63 years. And when they said their vows more than six decades ago, they apparently took the “’til death do us part” line to heart. Because when Jeanette left for Heaven, Henry followed behind her only 20 minutes later. And the family has no doubts that this was God’s will! Keep reading.

This Couple Was Married For 65 Years. The Way They Died Proved They Couldn’t Live Without Each Other.

When Italvino and Diva Poss said their vows of 'Til death do us part,” they meant it. And if they ever told each other, "I can't live without you," they meant that too. This story of love all began in 1948 at a dance, where the couple met, and they have been together ever since. According to their grandson Rafael, Italvino always knew that he would spend the rest of his life with his sweetheart Diva, “My grandfather always said that they had been married for a year longer, because he counted it from the day they met. He considered their marriage one eternal date.” Keep reading.

WATCH: Couples Who Die Together - Real-Life 'Fault in Our Stars' Couple


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Worrying does nothing to benefit our lives in any way; it only takes away. It takes away the present moments and present joy you could experience, not to mention it takes away from a peaceful life.

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