Couple Battles Infertility, Then Winds Up Conceiving 3 Sets Of Twins

Mel Johnson

Couple Battles Infertility To Conceive 3 Sets Of Twins

After years of infertility, Amanda and Tim Van Horssen weren't sure they'd ever be able to have children. Then everything changed. The family who so desperately prayed for just one miracle, got many. Amazingly, Amanda wound up conceiving 3 sets of twins! [caption id="attachment_38468" width="750"] Credit: Fox 17 News[/caption] Amanda and Tim tied the knot in 2004. But when it came time to start a family, things didn't go according to plan.
“My mom always got pregnant so easily, I didn’t anticipate I would have any problems,” Amanda says.
Yet, year after year of trying proved unsuccessful. The infertility journey eventually led Amanda and Tim to in vitro fertilization (IVF). And that's when everything changed.

A Bittersweet Pregnancy

Unfortunately, the joy of pregnancy didn't come without its share of heartache. When the couple conceived their first set of twins, they received devastating news at 34 weeks. One of the babies no longer had a heartbeat. Doctors induced Amanda, and they welcomed their oldest daughter, Addison, into the world. At the same time, they mourned their firstborn son, Landon John, who was born “into the arms of Jesus.” Addison went straight to the NICU, where she spent several weeks putting on weight and growing stronger.
“It was hard coming home from the hospital with nobody,” Amanda says.
Eventually, though, Addison was ready to come home.

Growing Again

A year later, Amanda and Tim were ready for more kids. Again, they turned to IVF. And again, Amanda became pregnant with twins! RELATED: After Struggling To Conceive, Couple Welcomes Miracle Quintuplets Thankfully, everything went smoothly this time, and Amanda gave birth to Alexis and Aiden.
"That means we had three in diapers, and that accounts to about 25 to 30 diapers a day," Amanda said.
Life got a whole lot crazier, but these miracles were well worth it. But God wasn't done blessing this beautiful family! [/slide]

One Last Hoorah

[caption id="attachment_38477" width="750"] Credit: Taylor Ballek | Spectrum Health Beat[/caption] A year later, Amanda was pregnant again. But this time, it was a complete surprise. They'd conceived naturally -- something doctors said only stood a 10% chance of happening. The couple joyfully welcomed Emmett to their expanding brood.
“He is as much a miracle baby as the other ones,” Amanda says.
After Emmett's birth, the couple still had two frozen embryos leftover from their IVF treatments. They could either donate them, destroy them, or implant them. The couple decided to do one more IVF treatment.
“Ultimately, it’s still in the Lord’s hands,” Amanda says. “If we put them in and it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”
And God clearly planned for this to be a large family. Amanda and Tim got the news that they were pregnant with twins again, making a total of 3 sets of twins!

One Big Happy Family

This time, the couple learned they were having two little girls. As Amanda's due date neared, doctors brought her in for a c-section. They'd learned the babies were in the breech position―with their feet pointed down. The doctor found the girls intertwined together in the womb as he delivered them. RELATED: Mom-To-Be Lands In The Hospital As Rare ‘MoMo’ Twins Fight For Life Thankfully, Ella and Emma were born happy and healthy! And once the babies were settled, it made for an incredible family photo. Addison (5), Alexis and Aiden (4), and Emmett (2), excitedly gathered beside their mom and dad to say hello to their tiny siblings, Emma and Ella. Addison honored her late twin brother, Landon, by holding his photo. [caption id="attachment_38472" width="750"] Credit: Taylor Ballek | Spectrum Health Beat[/caption] It's a picture of God's faithfulness. This couple spent years fearing they'd never have children. And now, they've had seven kids in less than six years, including 3 sets of twins! It's no wonder Tim calls his wife "Wonder Woman."
“It’s not easy growing two babies at once, let alone three times,” he says.
Of course, this means many sleepless nights and loads of diaper changes. But it also means giggles and cuddles and more joy than their hearts ever thought possible.
“Through all the joys, tears and sadness, the Lord has truly blessed our family,” Amanda says. “Our hearts and hands are truly full, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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