
Couple Married 66 Years Renews Vows of 'Enduring Love' from Their Hospital Beds

August 08, 2023

Couple Married 66 Years Renews Vows of 'Enduring Love' from Their Hospital Beds

A couple married for more than six decades used their time in a southern California hospital to recommit themselves to one another.

The vows a couple exchanges while standing at the altar in front of their family, friends and God are sacred. Both promise to forsake all others and stay together through the good and the bad. They are also intended to be a life-long and unwavering commitment. 

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One couple in southern California is a perfect example of the kind of long-lasting love and commitment God had in mind when he created and ordained the institution of marriage. 

Jesse Cirino, 91 and 92-year-old Mary Lou Cirino have been married for 66 years, according to People. Like every other couple, Jesse and Mary Lou have experienced their share of ups and downs. But Jesse admits those experiences have strengthened their bond.

"We've had our ups and downs, but that's what makes a marriage last a long time,” Jesse told KABC-TV. 

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Jesse and Mary Lou experienced what both would consider a trying period in their marriage. Both were placed in the hospital for different reasons.

People reports that Mary Lou was admitted to the hospital after experiencing abdominal pain. Jesse went into the same medical facility for heart procedures. 

The Couple Reaffirmed Their Commitment to One Another From Their Hospitals

While they were not initially on the same floor, KABC-TV states that the staff at St. John’s Regional Medical Center would bring Mary Lou into her husband’s room. 

Soon after picking up on their deep love for and commitment to one another, they asked the couple a question. Would they be interested in renewing their vows? 

The answer, of course, was yes. And so, the couple held a vow renewal ceremony, reaffirming their commitment to one another from their hospital beds, according to a social media post from the hospital.

In attendance at the ceremony were Jesse and Mary Lou’s four daughters and two of their grandchildren.

One of the couple’s daughters, Valeri Cirino-Paez, recognizes the special bond her parents share. 

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"It's love at its purest, and it's an enduring love," she told KABC-TV.

“And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be by himself: I will make one like himself as a help to him.”Genesis 2:18

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h/t: KABC-TV, People & Facebook.com/St. John's Regional Medical Center

Featured Image Credit: YouTube.com/ABC 7


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