
Cops Show Up At Boy's Birthday Party And The 4-Year-Old Couldn't Be Happier

June 02, 2023

Cops Show Up At Boy's Birthday Party And The 4-Year-Old Couldn't Be Happier

One young man was blown away when several of his town’s finest arrived at his birthday party.

Police officers and other first responders see and experience some of the worst elements of society daily. They are the first people on the scene whenever a horrific crime is committed. They get an up-close, first-hand look at the devastation victims of those crimes endure. Policing can be an unforgiving and soul-crushing profession.

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Some police officers in Maine recently received a much more positive and uplifting assignment. It also happened to make 4-year-old Myles Roman’s day, according to Fox News.

Myles, who lives in Scarborough, Maine, is a big fan of police officers. He hopes to carry a badge and a gun and don a police officer’s uniform one day. Being a fan of police officers, Myles decided to stop by the Scarborough Police Department and drop off an invitation to his upcoming birthday party. Every member of the force was welcome at the party. 

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The child’s fascination with the police began after meeting some officers during a National Night Out event. “National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie,” according to the National Night Out website.

When Myles’ big day came around, the department did not let the young man down. Three members of the Scarborough Police Department showed up, including Tucker, a K9 officer, according to the department’s Facebook page.

The Officers Did Not Disappoint and Even Brought Gifts For the Young Man

But the police officers weren’t the only surprises for young Myles. A firetruck and an ambulance also made an appearance at the shindig.

As any guest at a birthday party knows, you cannot arrive empty-handed. The officers also brought along gifts for Myles. 

“Sgt. Flynn presented Myles with some birthday gifts (Paw Patrol of course…) and Ofc. Greenleaf brought some Scarborough PD SWAG for Myles and his friends,” the department wrote.

The department also added that “everyone had a great time at the party and enjoyed hanging out with Myles and his friends and family!”

What a terrific and loving gesture from the officers and the Scarborough Police Department. They made that little guy’s day. 

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"I’m so glad that we live in such a great place," Alyssa Roman, Myles’ mother said. 

“So then, as we have the chance, let us do good to all men, especially to them who are of the family of the faith.”Galatians 6:10 

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h/t: Fox News, NATW.org & Facebook.com/Scarborough Maine Police Department

Featured Image Credit:Facebook.com/Scarborough Maine Police Department


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