Pizza Delivery Man Gets A Special Blessing After Sharing His Story

Mel Johnson

Church Blessed The Pizza Delivery Man

Devin Cammack showed up at Pizza Hut one Sunday in December expecting just another day of delivering pizzas. Little did he know, God had a miracle in the works. A church blessed the pizza delivery man with a large tip of nearly $1,500 after hearing his story. But God had even more in store, and it changed Devin's life! [caption id="attachment_33608" width="750"] Credit: Noel Pearce via The Lewisville Texan Journal[/caption] Devin was called in early to work so that he could deliver one pepperoni pizza to Victorious Life Church. Devin didn't realize it, but it was all part of the church's goal to surprise an unsuspecting workers with a special blessing. But even the church wasn't prepared for what God was about to do! [rsnippet id="3"]

The Master Plan

Music director Noel Pearce helped organize the ruse as a part of the church's Christmas production titled To Believe Again. There would be two showings -- one Saturday evening and one Sunday morning. The show was filled with music, dancing and a skit where an unsuspecting pizza delivery man would be brought on-stage and spontaneously tipped. Noel called Pizza Hut and explained the plan to the manager. The goal was simply to bless someone.
“You know your people better than I do," Noel told the manager over the phone. "You pick two people you know that needs a blessing.”
At the Saturday show, the pizza delivery man received a $300 tip. But God had even more in store for Sunday! RELATED: Church tips pizza delivery girl and reveals God's plan

Divine Appointment

Devin arrived at Victorious Life Church and was called onto the stage by David Hira, the actor playing the lead role. As part of the skit, his character had ordered a pizza. David sat Devin down and said:
"There’s something big going on in your life, you have a life-changing event coming up."
David's words stunned Devin. Little did the church know, Devin was awaiting a heart transplant. David turned the mic over to Devin and asked him to share his story. And that's when it became clear to everyone that God was at work here! [caption id="attachment_33609" width="661"] Credit: WFAA News[/caption]

Devin's Story

The 31-year-old father of three explained how his life changed many years ago. At 23, he had a good paying job working in a GE wind turbine. But after a high-voltage box blew up, Devin's health was never the same. Though he went through rehab, he couldn't pass the lift tests required to gain clearance to return to work. For the test, Devin had to pick up milk crates filled with lead weights. Each time he did, Devin would get dizzy. He was so young at the time, no one thought to check his heart. Then, two years ago, doctors diagnosed him with end-stage heart failure. As a result, he wears a wears a LVAD -- or a left ventricle assist device -- as he waits for a heart transplant. The device -- a pump implanted in Devin's chest -- does 90% of the resting workload of the heart. It needs 24-hour power, which means Devin wears a battery pack when outside of the house, and must be plugged in when home.
“It helps push blood through my body,” he said. “It’s not like a heart, they’re not that far into it, but it’s supposed to be a bridge for a heart transplant.”
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Church Blessed The Pizza Delivery Man

Devin's story moved the entire congregation. Many were in tears, including the play's cast members. While the spontaneous tip was part of the play, it grew into something much bigger -- a true Christmas miracle. [caption id="attachment_33610" width="757"] Credit: WFAA News[/caption] People jumped out of their seats and rushed forward to give money. The high school choir waiting backstage for their act came out to throw money into the hat.
“When the kids started coming out and wanted to give, it was so touching,” music director Noel said. “It was truly an amazing moment just to see all those people give.”
It was the Spirit of Christmas being lived out before their very eyes. The church blessed the pizza delivery man with a $1,426 tip, leaving Devin in complete awe at such kindness from strangers.
“The world is good. It is full of goodness and kindness and people are just waiting to be able to express that in some way and be witness to that,” he said. “It was phenomenal.”
But God wasn't done yet! RELATED: Kind diner leaves huge tip to send waiter home for the holidays

Life-Changing Event

The church's unexpected donation gave Devin and his family, who live paycheck to paycheck, some much appreciated breathing room. Devin must pay for his health insurance out-of-pocket, so the extra cash allowed Devin to fix his car and even pay rent early. But the miracle continued at his next doctor's appointment on Monday. With the pump implant at work, Devin's heart is starting to return to a more manageable size. In fact, the treatment is working so well he's off the transplant list. He'll have to keep the pump for a while longer, and will be on medication for the rest of his life. But a heart transplant is no longer necessary, praise God!
“It was amazing, one of the most humbling experiences in my life,” he said. “It really truly was.”
This story just goes to show what God can do when we obey His call. Noel knew God was calling him to bless someone during the play. The church blessed the pizza delivery man for sure, but God turned that blessing into something so much bigger! "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 [rsnippet id="3"]

This pizza delivery man only got a 33 cent tip, followed by a surprising note!

  h/t: USA Today / The Lewisville Texan Journal

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