Couple Adopt Triplets, Then Mom-To-Be Gets News From Doctor

Mel Johnson

Childless Couple Is Blessed With Triplets AND Twins

After battling infertility, Sarah and Andy Justice begged God for a baby. But He had bigger plans. In just a year's time, the childless couple welcomed triplets AND twins! And they couldn't be happier for this miraculous turn of events.

After three years of marriage, Sarah and Andy Justice of Tulsa, Oklahoma decided they were ready for a baby. But their timing was different than God's timing.

Choosing To Adopt

After trying for three, unsuccessful years to get pregnant, the couple went to visit a fertility specialist. The doctor recommended in-vitro fertilization. But after explaining the whole process, Sarah and Andy decided it wasn't for them. In addition to being extremely expensive, there was still only a 10% chance of success.

The couple decided adoption was the best way to grow their family. It was a long and rigorous process, full of disappointments, too. Twice the couple thought they were about to adopt, only to have the birth mothers back out and the last minute.

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Just as it seemed they'd never get the baby for whom they so desperately longed, they got the call. An expectant mom was looking for adoptive parents. Sarah and Andy met with her and even joined her at an ultrasound. That's where doctors had a news that surprised the couple, as well as the expectant mom -- she was having triplets!

It was a complete shock, but a pleasant one. Sarah and Andy already knew they wanted more than one child. And after having so many snags with the adoption process, getting three babies at once was a welcome turn of events.

Hannah, Joel, and Elizabeth were born 8 weeks early, but they were in good health. Sarah and Andy were ecstatic to bring the triplets home, but would have to wait until the preemies completed a stay in the neonatal intensive care.

A Surprising Twist

Meanwhile, Sarah hadn't been feeling so well. She'd chalked it up to the stress of the adoption journey. Since the triplets would soon be coming home, she decided to go see the doctor.

That's when God revealed the second part of His incredible plan. Sarah wasn't sick at all. She was pregnant -- with twins!

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Sarah and Andy knew bringing home triplets and twins would certainly present its share of challenges. But they couldn't help but rejoice over the incredible blessing.

“I was shocked and a bit overwhelmed because I got to thinking, added it up and I’m like, wow, if they go to term we’re about five babies in eight months. But we were really excited because it was something we’ve been dreaming of and longing for for years,” Sarah said.

Several months after the triplets' birth, twins Abigail and Andrew came into the world.

For Sarah and Andrew it meant juggling about 84 bottles and 300 diapers a week. But it also meant so much joy.

“My husband says all we do is babies, everything else in life has pretty much stopped,” Sarah said. “But it was something we’ve wanted so badly that we love it. It’s not to say it’s not a lot of work and we’re not tired a lot but it’s great. We just really love having these children.”

In fact, the couple loved it so much, they decided to have one more!

Growing Again

Now a family of eight, the triplets and twins were overjoyed to welcome their new, baby brother, Caleb.

“All of the kids absolutely adore their ‘baby Caleb'”, Sarah says. “He has the best fan club ever and we cannot imagine life without the sweetest, most loved little guy in the world.”

Sarah and Andy can still remember the days they spent wondering if they'd ever get to be parents. So, while their lives are certainly much busier now, they count each child as a blessing.

“Having a number of children is a dream come true,” Sarah explains. “When you wait for something you appreciate it that much more when you get it.”

h/t: Life Daily

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