Child Bride Shares How SAT7 Saved Her Life

Dustin Dedrick

Every little girl dreams of being a bride. But, tragically, young girls all around the world are married while they are still children. [rsnippet id="2"] These child brides lead heartbreaking lives with no one to speak up for them. Elmira was one of those girls. [caption id="attachment_42305" width="750"] credit:[/caption] When she was just 11 years old her mother told her she could no longer go to school because she was getting married. See Elmira grew up in Iran where rules about child marriage are nothing like they are in the United States. So Elmira was forced into marrying a much older man. He didn't have her best interest in mind like a husband should. [caption id="attachment_42306" width="750"] credit:[/caption] Instead he abused her and prostituted her so he could get money to buy drugs. By the time she was 15 Elmira had two children. She tried to stay strong for them but she felt so lost and unloved. [caption id="attachment_42307" width="750"] credit:[/caption] That is until one night she was watching a television program from Middle Eastern Christian Ministry SAT7. SAT7 had found a way to get the message of Jesus Christ into even the most broken homes like Elmira's. Thanks to that program Elmira finally heard that she was loved, worthy, and heard how God could help her get through even this. [caption id="attachment_42308" width="750"] credit:[/caption] That message inspired her to take action, get out and get help. If it wasn't for SAT7 and the love of Jesus Christ, Elmira's story could have ended very differently. Elmira is a survivor, but sadly many women live in heartbreaking circumstances just like Elmira's.Learn more about how SAT7 is helping spread the Gospel and save women like Elmira here. Credit: SAT7NA RELATED: Wedding Video Bring Awareness to Problem of Child Bride

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