Casting Crowns: A Live Worship Experience, Exclusive Videos

February 20, 2016

Casting Crowns: A Live Worship Experience, Exclusive Videos

It’s been more than a decade since I first heard the powerful, sometimes scratchy yet mellow voice of lead singer Mark Hall and Casting Crowns. We were in our little Christian school and one of my students brought in the single “If We Are the Body”, which was the subject of his presentation for speech class. From then on I was hooked. Hooked on the back story of Mark’s “real job” as a Youth Pastor and on the message that every single song delivers. The songs make you really think about what we are doing as a body of believers to share the message of hope that we know as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is a Contemporary Christian band that continually records music that just keeps getting better and better. Not only that, we can also hear them take some great hymns of faith and make us fall in love with them all over again. I hope you enjoy this first look at these new videos from Casting Crowns and that you are able to share them with others so that the message in them spreads far and wide.

At Calvary

Same lyrics and a brand new tune for a great favorite. The original hymn was easy to learn and sing and I believe this new take is even easier. “There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary”. Singing it with the piano or with the rhythm guitar, same wonderful message. How can we not share this?

You Are the Only One

Reality check! How easy is it to get so wrapped up in our life that we totally forget Who is the only One that will deliver us from these things that burden us here on earth? What a great reminder that we are looking forward to the cross and in light of eternity these things will pass and we will one day be with the only One. Hallelujah!

The Well

Why do we work so hard when the work has already been finished in Jesus? This is a great invitation song to remind folks to come as they are and just allow Jesus to quench their thirst. “Leave it all behind, leave it all behind, and leave it all behind”. No rejection at the Well.


“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3 KJV)

Truthfully, if it had not been for Mark Hall’s distinctive voice I would not have known this was Casting Crowns the first time I heard it more than two years ago. This song is unlike others that they have recorded and I find that it is a great song to play for someone who needs a boost and reminder that we can have “joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable, love unstoppable” and that all things are possible with God. To know Jesus Christ is to know these things.

No Not One

Megan Garrett takes the lead on this one which, as usual speaks words right from Scripture. Such great news on which to meditate. “No better hope for all mankind”. Hope has come and what a better way to share it than in this lovely ballad.

Final Thoughts

What a great way to start my day with these videos of songs full of love and hope. I pray that as you view and even sing along with them that you are inspired to share the great news of the gospel. Sharing this post is a good way to start.

Article By Pamela Rose Williams

Pamela Rose Williams is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her Pastor-husband, Dr. Michael Williams, serve together at Selah Mountain in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA ( where their main focus is to provide Biblical Counseling to all that seek it. She has been involved in music ministry all of her Christian life and loves to lead worship. Pamela is also a longtime freelance writer, editor and educator. Learn more about Pamela at her ministry website


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