Neighbors Call the Local Police on Boy Just Trying to Do Yard Work but Cops Save the Day

Adam Staten

One enterprising and ambitious young man encountered trouble in a Georgia neighborhood. The neighbors called the local police, but one sweet and caring officer made the child’s day.

Hard work is required for anything and everything of value in life. If one wants to achieve a goal, odds are good that many hours consisting of persistent and dedicated hard work will be necessary. The value and dignity involved in hard work is something one is never too young to learn. However, while learning about hard work is vital, kindness is also desperately needed.

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A young man had his sights set on acquiring a new gaming system, a PlayStation 5, to be exact. So, in order to come up with the funds to purchase the system, the little guy got to work, according to the Good News Network.

In a neighborhood in Hapeville, Georgia, the child started going door-to-door. He was offering neighborhood residents his yard work services in exchange for money.

A social post from the City of Hapeville Police states that the ambitious child was willing to do several things, including “pulling weeds, cutting grass and trimming hedges.”

But instead of taking the young man up on his offer, one of the people in the neighborhood actually called the police on the child, Good News Network reports. They wanted the young man removed from their neighborhood.

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Once the officer arrived on the scene and encountered the child who was going door-to-door, he learned what the young man was doing and what he was trying to achieve. 

“The young man was polite, respectful and truthful,” the social from the police reads. 

Officers Surprises The Young Man With Gaming System After Neighbors Call Local Police

Impressed with the young man, the officer, who happened to be a gamer himself, lent a helping hand. The police officer took up a collection from his friends, later returning to find the child and surprised him with a PlayStation 5.

Not only did the officer give the young man the gaming system he desired, but also a gift card to buy a membership. The young man would be able to start playing as soon as possible. 

The responding officer shared his online gamer name with the child so they could play together, the Facebook posts mentions. 

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“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially, to them who are of the household of faith.”Galatians 6:10

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h/t: Good News Network & of Hapeville Police

Featured Image Credit: of Hapeville Police

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