
A Grocery Store Angel Changes This 'Broken' Teen's Life Forever

June 24, 2016

A Grocery Store Angel Changes This 'Broken' Teen's Life Forever

God Leads A Broken Teen To This Kind Stranger

God moments can often take you by complete surprise. Certainly, Memphis man, Matt White, wasn't expecting one to happen in the Kroger produce section at 9pm at night. But when a seemingly broken teen approached Matt, offering to carry his grocery bags, it soon became clear this meeting was all God's doing! [caption id="attachment_29060" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates kind stranger helps broken teen who carries his groceries fb Credit: YouTube / Chauncy's Chance[/caption]

Matt Meets A Broken Teen

The broken teen was 16-year-old Chauncy Jones Black. He was offering to carry shopper's groceries in exchange for food because he and his mother had no food and no money. He had only a bus pass, and had rode all the was over to the "rich people's" grocery store at 9:00 at night in the hopes he'd find someone kind enough to accept his offer. When he approached Matt, the man says,
"This kid looked like he had been turned down 100 times. He looked ashamed, hungry and broken."
[rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] It made Matt's heart sink. So, when Chauncy offered to carry Matt's groceries for a pack of glazed donuts, he not only agreed, but treated the broken teen to a shopping spree. All the while, Chancy shared more of his story. He was a good student, making straight A's. He was trying to find a job so he could help his struggling and disabled mom pay the rent. He dreamed of owning his own business one day, so he could "be wealthy" and "help other people in his neighborhood." RELATED: What this man overheard at a grocery store changed 3 lives forever

Matt Meets The Broken Teen's Mom

After buying bagfuls of groceries for Chauncy and his mom, Matt gave him a ride home. And what he found broke his heart.
"He wasn't kidding. He and his mom had nothing. They didn't even have beds or furniture. They were sleeping on pads made out of sleeping bags, they had two lamps and nothing in their fridge. Nothing. His mother was so sweet but very fragile. I couldn't tell what it was, but she had some sort of physical and/ or mental disability that made her shake and made walking difficult. I thought I was going to cry."
[caption id="attachment_29061" align="aligncenter" width="699"]godupdates kind stranger helps broken teen who carries his groceries 1 Credit: YouTube / Chauncy's Chance[/caption] Matt helped Chauncy unpack and put away the groceries. Now that he knew he and his mom wouldn't be hungry, Matt says that hope returned to the boy's eyes. He no longer looked like a broken teen. He looked like a kid again. Matt hugged Chauncy and told him that God loved him.
"I'll never forget that hug. It meant more to me than any possession I have. Our God is an awesome God, and we can never be thankful enough for the blessings we have," he writes.
RELATED: A stranger's kindness at the grocery store completely turned her day around

The Internet Meets The Broken Teen

That could have easily been the end of the story. But God wasn't done yet! Matt shared his experience on Facebook.
Then, he decided to set up a GoFundMe page to help raise $250 for Chauncy so that he could purchase a lawn mower so that he could start cutting grass over the summer to earn some money. [caption id="attachment_29062" align="aligncenter" width="700"]godupdates kind stranger helps broken teen who carries his groceries 2 Credit: GoFundMe[/caption] Matt started bringing Chauncy to church, and spending more and more time with him and his mom. And what happened next was all God! RELATED: Kind neighbors help an elderly man walking miles to mow lawns


Chauncy's story touched hearts all over the Internet. The support that poured in was overwhelming. And Matt realized God had much bigger plans than just a lawn mower! The original goal was to get a lawn mower for Chauncy and meet his basic needs. But as donations poured in, Matt has been able to do more and more. Watch the video of Chauncy that touched so many hearts below
Matt has been helping Chauncy find odd jobs. He's also working to provide him and his mom with new clothes, furniture, and a home in a safer neighborhood. They've been robbed where they currently live, and have even heard gun shots right outside of their windows! Matt even had a special surprise for Chauncy's mom, who says she regularly covers her mouth because she's embarrassed by her teeth. But Matt revealed that a dentist had come forward and volunteered to give her brand new teeth. The woman was overcome with heartfelt gratitude by the news! Watch the video of Matt's surprise below
Thank you Matt for being faithful enough to heed God's call to help this family. It's amazing to see how far a little kindness can go, and just how much our awesome God can do with a willing heart!
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need." Luke 12:31
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mj-godupdates-man-with-tattoos-pays-for-mom-at-walmart-fb   h/t: FOX 13 Memphis

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