4 Babies in 3 Months Come As Unexpected Blessing to Couple Struggling with Infertility

Adam Staten

Zac and Brittney Wolfe battled infertility for years. But then God answered their prayers with 4 babies in just 3 months!

Being a parent is one of life’s greatest blessings. However, for those who struggle with infertility issues, the path to parenthood can be a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching process. For one reason or another, many couples run into issues conceiving a child.

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But through those tears and heartaches, God is still in control and at work.

Zac and Brittney Wolfe were like many couples who struggled for years to get pregnant. The video posted on YouTube points out that the Wolfes were unable to get pregnant after years of trying to start a family.  

During those years of trying, the Wolfes even tried IUI and IVF. But they had no luck. Brittany also had two miscarriages. It seemed that nothing was working for the young couple looking to start a family.

RELATED: Couple Battles Infertility, Then Winds Up Conceiving 3 Sets Of Twins

“We had no success with any of the embryos,” Zac said. “It was very, very hard on us.”

Then they heard about embryo adoption from a family member.

An Unexpected Blessing

As they started looking into the process of adopting embryos, they received an unexpected call from their neighbor, who put them in contact with a pregnant mother who asked if they would be interested in adoption. 

Zac and Brittney Wolfe would soon become the adoptive parents of a baby girl. They had finally become parents, something the couple both wanted badly. But then another unexpected event took place.

During a doctor’s visit, Brittney and Zac learned that their embryo transfer had worked. Brittney was pregnant. But during the ultrasound, they discovered that she wasn’t pregnant with just one child but with three. 

Then, just three months after adopting their baby girl, Brittney gave birth to triplets! After years of pain and disappointment, the Wolfes are now the proud parents of four beautiful bundles of joy.

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The Lord is always faithful and always at work, even in those trying and difficult times when He may appear to be absent. 

Psalm 127:3 “See, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

WATCH: Zac & Brittney Wolfe Get 4 Babies In 3 Months

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/GMA

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